Re: 3c509

From: imh0tep ([email protected])
Date: Tue Nov 10 1998 - 06:27:17 CET

        Thanks. I recompiled the kernel. The card is recognized now but I
can't get ifconfig to set the correct irq. The following doesn't work.
Thank you again. Great distribution.

ifconfig eth0 <ip address> netmask irq 4

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On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Michele Andreoli wrote:

> Message for:
> imh0tep <[email protected]>
> your EMAIL has permanent fatal error?
> >I do not have access to a
> >Linux machine to add the module to the archive.tbz .
> >Is there another way
> >that it can be done? The module is 3c59xx.o, I have a 3c905 ethernet
> >card.
> Try this:
> 0) boot your mulinux, leaving mounted /startup (setup -l)
> 1) cd /startup/modules
> 2) cat archive.tbz | bzip2 -ds | tar -C/tmp -xf-
> 3) mount /dev/hda1 /mnt <----- this is your DOS part.?
> 4) cp /mnt/my/dir/3c905.o /tmp
> 5) cd /tmp
> 6) tar -cf- *.o | bzip2 -c > archive.tbz
> 7) cp archive,tbz > /startup/modules/archive.tbz
> Reboot.
> ---------
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