Lynx 2.8 was released on 10 March 1998. This distribution incorporates the 2.7.2 distribution, released 6 January 1998, along with all of the subsequently issued bugfixes and patches. It is available in this archive as:
For more information about the 2.8 release, please consult the file named
CHANGES (note that the filename is completely capitalized) contains a full listing of the files contained in the 2.7.2 distribution. you are running Lynx 2.7 or 2.7.1, you can obtain a patch which will enable you to quickly and easily apply the latest CHANGES to Lynx from Scott McGee's Patch-O-Matic, which is located at: more information about how to use the Patch-O-Matic, as well as how to apply its output, consult:
There are two blind/vi tailored default files in this directory:
More detailed documentation and support for blind/vi Lynx users can be found at:, UnZip, gzip, and other Info-Zip utilities can be obtained from:
archive last updated March 24, 1998
this document last updated March 24, 1998