Familiar v0.6 upgrade Instructions


It is strongly recommended that you peruse the Handhelds.org FAQ/Howto, particularly the section on Getting Started.

[Upgrading to Familiar v0.6 from Familiar v0.5.3]

If you really want to, you can upgrade to v0.6. It might even work. It will be difficult to get the space savings of busybox with an upgrade at this point in time, but we're working on that as well.

First, back up all of your user data from the ipaq to a safe place!

  1. Edit the file /etc/ipkg.conf, adding the following line instead of the previous Familiar release area:
      src v0.6 http://familiar.handhelds.org/familiar/releases/v0.6/base/armv4l/
  2. Now update ipkg and ipkg-conf:
      sh# ipkg update
      sh# ipkg upgrade ipkg ipkg-conf
    Tell it to overwrite /etc/ipkg.conf with the maintainer's version.

    Now fetch the new list of available packages, because v0.6 consists of 3 feeds:

      sh# ipkg update
  3. Now update libc:
      sh# ipkg upgrade libc6
  4. Now upgrade everything else:
      sh# ipkg upgrade -force-depends -force-overwrite
  5. Update the busybox symbolic links.
      sh# busybox --install -s 

$Id: upgrade.html,v 1.2 2002/10/24 05:55:26 nelson Exp $