Index of /public/ftp/pub/Linux/games/muds
- Parent directory
- Alternate index format
- LambdaMOO-1.7.7-bin+db.lsm
- LambdaMOO-1.7.7-bin+db.tar.gz
- MUD server with object-oriented programming language (778488 bytes)
- Mordor_2.1.lsm
- Mordor_2.1.tgz
- Mud server with database and client [bin] (688355 bytes)
- Mordor_2.4.lsm
- Mordor_2.4.tgz
- Mud server with database and client [bin] (704387 bytes)
- MudOS_0.9.18.tar.Z
- source for MudOS 0.9.18 (905768 bytes)
- Muddle.lsm
- Muddle_src.tgz
- MUD client for UNIX/BSD/Linux systems (6606 bytes)
- circlemud-2.20.tar.gz
- circle mud 2.20 (480091 bytes)
- circlemud.HISTORY
- the history of circle mud (10620 bytes)
- circlemud.README
- diku-linux.tar.Z
- DikuMUD ported to linux (458965 bytes)
- lplib8.tar.z
- Libraries for lpMud (78378 bytes)
- lpmud312.note
- lpmud312.tar.z
- Source for lpMud (285270 bytes)
- Docs for running an lpmud (143095 bytes)
- muse.tar.gz
- TinyMUSE (Tiny - Multi User Simulation Environment) (492321 bytes)
- pennmush-1.50-p8-linux.lsm
- pennmush-1.50-p8-linux.tar.gz
- penmush ported to linux (323164 bytes)
- tf-3.0.lsm
- tf-3.0.tgz
- TinyFugue - a popluar telnet client for mudding (200730 bytes)
- tintin+term.tgz
- DikuMud client w/ term support (14256 bytes)
- tinymush-2.0.9-bin.tar.Z
- tinymush compiled for linux (537819 bytes)
- tinymush-bin.tar.Z
- another verision of tinyMush (603531 bytes)
Page prepared by [email protected]