This is a port of the andrew toolkit (5.1) to linux. This distribution comprises all the applications. Missing from this distribution is andrew/doc # all the programming docs. andrew/include # the include files andrew/lib/**/*.a # all the libraries. Notes: The 'sched' inset doesn't work. Apparently it doesn't work in the original distribution either. i.e. it's not linux specific. I haven't tested this extensively. If you find a bug, let me know. The fonts do strange things. Could someone with a reference point please find out if this is normal, or if I have just missed something in the setup. For a quick start, run /usr/andrew/bin/help and read... and read... Obviously enough, this distribution requires the X windowing system to run. Haveing all the fonts installed would be advantagous. ---------------------- Disk usage is: 1 /usr/andrew/README 247 /usr/andrew/X11fonts 4050 /usr/andrew/bin 58 /usr/andrew/config 5100 /usr/andrew/dlib 607 /usr/andrew/etc 1 /usr/andrew/examples 1716 /usr/andrew/help 1845 /usr/andrew/lib 1 /usr/andrew/man ------------------ 13628 /usr/andrew the programming stuff takes up a further 12 megs. Michael. (