LINCKS main ftp directory
Users in the U.S. can get this software from the following mirrors
This directory contains the source code and bootstrap database for
the LINCKS (Linkopings INtelligent Communication of Knowledge System)
database system.
If you don't have gnuzip, see the file COMPRESSION in the top directory.
We can be reached by e-mail at
[email protected]. Bug reports can be sent to
[email protected].
The files in this directory are:
- README "This file"
- ANNOUNCEMENT Copy of the announcement
sent out on UseNet.
- HISTORY List of bug fixes and improvements done
to the system. Also included in tar files.
- LINCKS.FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about the LINCKS
system. Also included in the tar files.
- lincks-2.tar.gz A (symbolic link) to
the last version
- lincks-2.2.1.tar.gz LINCKS Release 2.2 patchlevel 1,
the source for the database system, the
documentation, and the bootstrap database.
This is a gzip compressed tar file. If
you don't have gzip, I recommend you get it, as
it's better than `compress' (IMHO). It's
available at in pub/gnu and at
other GNU ftp sites (released 940609).
- lincks-2.2.tar.gz LINCKS Release 2.2
(released 940602)
- lincks-2.1.tar.gz LINCKS Release 2.1
- lincks-2.2.1.patch.README
Information about lincks-2.2.1.patch.gz
a patch for LINCKS Release 2.2 (lincks-2.2.tar.gz)
- lincks-2.x-X11R6.patch
Patch to compile LINCKS under X11 R6.
the xlincks User's Manual for the interface to
the LINCKS system, also include in the tar files.
Compressed with gzip.
the LINCKS System Adminstration Manual, also
included in the tar files. Compressed with gzip.
- articles/ a directory with LINCKS related articles and
technical reports.
- alpha/ directory with patches to LINCKS, alpha
- xnotify.shar.gzthe current release of xnotify,
a little toy to
pop up messages on one or multiple X displays
and get some sort of response to that message.
Written by David Partain. This is compressed
using gzip, which is GNU's compression
utility. I suggest you get it if you don't
have it.
User contributions and patches will be added to this directory as time
goes by.
Martin Sjölin <[email protected]>