Copyright (C) 1994 G. Lamprecht, W. Lotz, R. Weibezahn; LRW c/o Uni Bremen The program xtem may be used and copied under the conditions of the (added) GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, the Copyright must not be deleted or modified. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LRW BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE LRW HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE LRW SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE LRW NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. You may get xtem directly from the authors (anonymous, password: RFC-conform e-mail address): pub/tex/xtem/xtem_texmenu.3.xx.tar.gz pub/tex/xtem/xtem_texmenu.README pub/tex/xtem/ pub/tex/xtem/ xx = patch level, e.g. 05 For a successfull installation you need: - Unix - C compiler for the installation of Tcl, Tk, TclX (e.g. gcc compiler) (version of Tcl/Tk see below!) - X11 R4 or R5 - 3-button mouse You may get Tcl/Tk/TclX a) directly from: - Tcl Vers. 7.3 ucb/tcl/tcl7.3.tar.Z - Tk Vers. 3.6 ucb/tcl/tk3.6.tar.Z - TclX Vers. 7.3a pub/tcl/distrib/tclX7.3a.tar.gz - addinput pub/tcl/distrib/addinput-3.6a.gz b) or alternatively e.g. from: - pub/tcl/code pub/tcl/extensions - pub/tcl You need - Tcl at least version 7.0, better version 7.3 (this version of xtem does not work with Tcl version 7.4 because of incompatiblities in the corresponding versions of Tk; look for future releases of xtem or contact us), - corresponding version of Tk and - corresponding version of TclX (extended Tcl), - corresponding version of addinput --- is not absolutely necessary, but recommended for some Unix systems (see below: section IV "mkcommand") for reasons of performance (reduced system overhead, enhanced program execution). The installation of Tcl, Tk, TclX and addinput was without problems (Sun SPARC running SOLARIS 2.3) by means of the "Makefile", "Configure" and "patch"; patch P1 must be applied to Tk (Patch P1 to Tk version 3.6, otherwise see README.SIGSEGV). We used Gnu gcc, version 2.5.8 as C compiler. The executable programs produced by this way: tclsh (Tcl), wish (Tcl incl. Tk), tcl (extended Tcl), wishx (ext. Tcl incl. Tk) occupied ca. 600 KB in the version without "shared libraries", ca. 4 KB in the version with "shared libraries" The version "with shared libraries" we could only produce after a correction at the makefile. This correction is available from: pub/tcl/extensions/tcltk_shlib0.4.tar.gz or from us: pub/tcl/patches The version "with shared libraries" works excellent at our installation. If on your computer Tcl is installed, but TclX (extended Tcl) is not installed, you may test xtem and become acquainted with it: all the menus work except the execution of programs, which are started by means of mkCmd (TeX, syntax check etc.). Apart from this and except the process administration, the menu acts just like the full Tcl/Tk/TclX installation. (TclX is used only for the "runs", that means for the execution of programs.) With older versions of Tcl (older than Tcl version 7.3) you may loose file descriptors. Yet this is no severe error -- it happens seldom; if it happens, then the effect is, that you cannot start any more process (e.g. TeX run). Then you have to leave xtem and call xtem once more. The version of xtem and the version of Tcl you may see by left mouse click on the "help button" in the main menu of xtem. Hints for Implementators: ========================= 0. Multilingual xtem: --------------------- xtem is multilingual; up to now we have prepared an English and a German version. Other languages may easily be added, only pure text files (dictionaries) must be translated and the shell script "xtem" must be completed. For each language there are two directories named .../xtem/help_xxx/ (with subdirectories) and .../xtem/locals_xxx/, where xxx stand for the language. If you want to translate these text files, please let us know, as we would like to include further languages. In this README we use the English texts when we refer to buttons, thus we recommend to call the English version during the first test (call: xtem -l english [filename] ). You will find the language dependent texts in the files .../xtem/help_*/button.texts each text is assigned to a variable; e.g. in .../xtem/help_english*/button.texts you will find the following line c2al file list By this the text "file list" is assigned to variable vv(c2al). In the files mentioned below array vv(...) is used in order to keep the source files language independent. We thank Katherine Wipf for the careful proofreading of the English texts (new errors may be introduced by ourselves in the course of updates!) I. Character Set: ----------------- We use "German umlaute" (in the German version of xtem) according to the 8 bit code "DIN 66303-ARV8 (Allgemeine Referenz-Version des 8-Bit-Code)" "ISO 8859-1" if necessary you may recode e.g. ISO2IBM: tr '\304\326\334\337\344\366\374' '\216\231\232\341\204\224\201' Ae Oe Ue ss ae oe ue II. Directories and Files: -------------------------- |---/help_english/*.hlp | /button.texts | /latex/* | /miscellaneous/* |---/locals_english/*.vst | |---/help_german/*.hlp | /button.texts | /latex/* | /miscellaneous/* .../xtem---|---/locals_german/*.vst | | | (---/help_xxx/* ) | (---/locals_xxx/* ) | ( where xxx stands for a language; ) | ( eventually further languages may be added) | | |---*.tcl tclIndex tclIndex.7.0 mkcommand.* README xtem_* xtem <-- this is the shell script to start xtem execution call: xtem [ -l language ] [ filename[.suffix] ] | | "german" ".tex" "deutsch" ".ltx" "english" language specific directories may be deleted, if you don't want to use this language. For example delete .../xtem/locals_german and .../xtem/help_german if you don't want to use the german version (this will save about 1.2MB), or delete .../xtem/locals_english and .../xtem/help_english if you don't want to use the english version (this will save about 1.2MB); in any case you should modify the shell script xtem (see above) III. Permissions: ----------------- chmod go-w xtem xtem/* xtem/*/* xtem/*/*/* chmod a+r xtem xtem/* xtem/*/* xtem/*/*/* chmod a+rx xtem chmod a+rx xtem/xtem xtem/xtem.tcl xtem/xtem_* xtem/locals_* chmod a+rx xtem/help_* xtem/help_*/latex xtem/help_*/miscellaneous IV. Install your mkcommand: --------------------------- In the file .../xtem/locals_*/default.vst there must be a line "mkcommand mkcommand.?" ^ | +--- numeral 0 ... 5 (e.g. "mkcommand mkcommand.5"). By this you select and load one of the files mkcommand.? with all the procedures in it. These procedures realize the execution of programs like "tex", "dvips" etc., which normally are called via the command "mkCmd_wait" in xtem shell script (see below). We have prepared different versions of these procedures. Not all of them fit to all systems. In the following we give a short description of the versions 0 to 5: ****************************************************************************** * we have inserted * * mkcommand mkcommand.9 * * this means a not existing version. By this we want to force you to look * * for a version of mkcommand which is convenient for your system as a default* ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** * we are very interested in getting response from NetBSD implementations * ****************************************************************************** a) mkcommand.0 Version for demonstration: when a program call is started, the command is displayed (together with the option string etc.), yet the program call is not executed. needs: Tcl, Tk runs with: all systems *** please inform us in case of differences to these "release notes" b) mkcommand.1 Full functionality, reading from Unix is done character by character, output is written into the text message widget of xtem in blocks. Missing functionality of BSD-systems is taken into account, this may lead to performance loss, when the protocol text of the program is very large. needs: Tcl, Tk, TclX runs with: all systems tested: SunOS4, SGI INDIGO, SGI Irix 5.3, DEC Ultrix 4.3a, Linux, Apollo Domain OS/Unix HP9000/400, HP-UX HP9000/700 *** please inform us in case of differences to these "release notes" c) mkcommand.2 Full functionality, reading from Unix is done in blocks, output is written into the text message widget of xtem in blocks. Good performance, does not run with BSD based Unix. needs: Tcl, Tk, TclX runs with: SYSVR4-Unix tested: Sun_SOLARIS2.3, AIX3.2.5, Linux, Apollo Domain OS/Unix HP9000/400, SGI Irix 5.3 runs not with: HP-UX HP9000/700 *** please inform us in case of differences to these "release notes" d) mkcommand.3 Full functionality, reading from Unix is done in blocks, output is written into the text message widget of xtem in blocks. High performance, does not run with BSD based Unix. needs: Tcl, Tk, TclX, addinput runs with: SYSVR4-Unix tested: Sun_SOLARIS2.3, AIX3.2.5, Linux, Apollo Domain OS/Unix HP9000/400, SGI Irix 5.3 runs not with: HP-UX HP9000/700 (not complete SYSV functionality!) *** please inform us in case of differences to these "release notes" e) mkcommand.4 Full functionality, generates an xterm window and Tk-send-commands. Still under development (runs with a maximum of performance with --- at least we hope --- all systems) needs: Tcl, Tk, TclX, X-Server with a) "xauth-style authorization" or b) Tk compiled with "-DNO_SECURITY" we strictly warn you: don't use version b), this version is only to be used for testing purposes in a secure environment. Version a) conforms with the strict security concept of X11R5. runs with: most Unix systems tested: Sun_SOLARIS2.3, Apollo Domain OS/Unix HP9000/400, HP-UX HP9000/700 with minor restrictions, SGI Irix 5.3 with minor restrictions runs not with: Linux *** please inform us in case of differences to these "release notes" f) mkcommand.5 Full functionality, generates a new xterm window for each program call. The xterm window is removed by in the xterm window after program termination. (This behaviour may easily be changed in the file xtem_prog by the local administrator.) needs: Tcl, Tk, TclX runs with: all systems tested: Sun_SOLARIS2.3, Apollo Domain HP9000/400, HP-UX HP9000/700, SGI Irix 5.3 *** please inform us in case of differences to these "release notes" This means you first have to test the different versions of mkcommand.? on your system. Then you have to remove all versions which don't work properly with your system from the file /locals_*/mkcommand.vst (see below): remove the corresponding lines. Put down the default value you want for the mkcommand version in the file /locals_*/default.vst If it works properly with your system, we recommend version 3 (mkcommand.3). V. Check and modify all the following Setting Files: ---------------------------------------------------- xtem.tcl a) line 1: the window shell including Tcl/Tk/TclX must be specified here; e.g. #!/usr/local/bin/wishx -f b) up to "end changes by the local administrator": specify the path to the directory xtem; e.g. set xtem_path "/usr/local/lib/tex/xtem" xtem shell script to call xtem.tcl must be modified: - select your default language (up to now: "english" or "german"): edit file "xtem" and make active one of the settings for the variable "defaultlanguage" - if necessary another window shell and other path names must be specified! The following files mostly contain selection lists for programs together with specifications like option strings (e.g. preview.vst), suffixes for file selection (e.g. editor.vst), TeX formats (e.g. texfmt.vst) etc. They must be adapted to the local situation by the local Tex administrator. If necessary, each institute/department (or every single user) may have its own complete set of setting files and customize it. For this there is the environment variable XTEMVSTDIR: if this environment variable exists, its value must be the qualified path name to a directory. A .vst file is searched first in this directory, if it is not found, the file contents from the directory /xtem/locals-*/ is taken. First a remark to the structure of the following files (setting of default values): Most of the files have a "dummy line" as first line: the first non-blank character of this line is taken as the "field separator" for this file, that means the parameters in the following lines must by separated by this character (this character must not be used otherwise in this file). Following lines: in the columns 1 to nnn you set the text, which is used as a description in the text widgets/select boxes. The number nnn given for each file needs not strictly to be observed. It means, that the contents of these columns will be displayed in the selection box. If the text string is longer than number nnn, the full text will be displayed when you press the button "display preferences" in the setting menu. If the text string is shorter than number nnn, the only effect will be, that the separator character and eventually parts of the following parameters will be visible to the user in the select box. In all cases xtem works identically. Lines may be split in most of the .vst files (backslash as last non-blank character in the line to be continued). Excepted from this splitting are the files local.vst and install.vst. /locals_*/default.vst default settings; structure: Lines in this file may not be continued (splitted)! all lines: cols 1-19 keyword = variable name in xtem; same variable names as in the structure descriptions for the other files! cols 20-end default for the variable remark: if you change a variable, you should pay attention to related variables (e.g. if you set variable "editor" to "vi", you should also set "edtext", "edxterm" and "edoptions") /locals_*/editor.vst list of editors; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=30 edtext text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. edxterm name of the xterm window and parameters for call, if editor needs an xterm window (e.g. vi), blank otherwise 2nd param. editor editor (called in background if followed by &) 3rd param. edoptions editor call option string /locals_*/index.vst index preparing program; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=55 intext text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. index index preparing program 2nd param. inoptions option string for the index preparing program /locals_*/install.vst installation parameters; structure: Lines in this file may not be continued (splitted)! all lines: cols 1-19 keyword = variable name in xtem cols 20-end default for the variable the following variables may be set here: versionlerg text: local appendix to the version string fontdli font used for selection boxes fontbl font used for buttons/labels fonttt font used for help texts and for the stdout output of program runs fonterr font used for stderr output of program runs fonttsli font used for TeX syntax helps: selection list fonttstt font used for TeX syntax helps: syntax widthl width of buttons in the left half of main menu widthr width of buttons in the right half of main menu sizeds size of printer list in printer settings menu prtselmaxl maximum number of lines in criteria lists for printer list reduction (if more entries are found, a scrollbar is generated) TeX_syntax_lines number of lines in TeX-syntax widgets TeX_syntax_sel number or lines in TeX-Syntax selection widget maxprintcops maximum number of print-copies These variables in /locals_*/install.vst normally will be set by the local administrator. Yet there may be problems if xtem is installed in a network of computers/X-terminals, if fonts known to a computer/X-terminal are not known to another. Thus the user may set his fonts in the following way: set the environment variable XTEMINSTALL to the name of a file which contains your "install.vst", i.e. your font settings (xtem checks, if an environment variable XTEMINSTALL is set. If so, the font setting is read from the file specified in XTEMINSTALL instead from the file /locals_*/install.vst). The fonts (at least if you use "german" as language setting) should include the German-umlaute. /locals_*/logform.vst list of programs/commands for displaying of logfiles; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=32 logtext text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. logterm name of the xterm window incl. options, if logform needs an xterm window (e.g. vi), blank otherwise 2nd param. logform Unix-command/editor (called in background if followed by &) 3rd param. logoptions option string for this command/editor /locals_*/logsuffix.vst list of suffixes of possible logfiles; structure: all lines: cols 1-... lsuff suffix of logfile cols ...-45 text describing the logfile (lsuff and the following text must be separated by one or more blanks; e.g. ".log logfile from TeX run") /locals_*/mkcommand.vst list of different forms of mkcommand procedures; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=65 text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. mksel selected form of mkcommand procedures /locals_*/preview.vst list of preview programs; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=50 prtext text (first nnn characters displayed), this text must be unique to identify this line in the file, commas (",") are not allowed 1st param. preview name of the preview program (called in background if followed by &) 2nd param. prsuffix preview suffix: .ps | .dvi (if suffix = .ps then dvips will be started automatically after a TeX run; this is important when the preview program is active in background!) 3rd param. proptions option string for this preview program 4th param. --- preview formats and options associated to this format for the dvips (necessary for postscript previewer such as ghostview) and for the previewer in the following form: text1{options_dvips}{options_previewer}[,text2{...}{...}[,...]] The format text "text?" is displayed together with "prtext", all format texts from all lines are the basis for the format list in the preview setting menu. Use the same format texts as in "/locals_*/printing.vst". "options_previewer" will be added to "proptions". "options_dvips" is used as option string for the dvips run preceding preview call (in case of a postscript previewer such as ghostview). The number of formats (at least one) is not limited. Examples: a) for ghostview (needs dvips!): A4_portrait{}{-a4},A4_landscape{-t landscape}{-a4 -swap -landscape} b) for xdvi: A4_portrait{}{-paper a4},A4_landscape{}{-paper a4r} both examples use A4 format in portrait and A4 in landscape. /locals_*/printing.vst printer driver and printer; structure (criteria see printer setting menu and printer list reduction): 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file (any character with exception of "," or "_") this separator must separate the following parameter: 1st param. --- heading for printer names (1st criterion) 2nd param. --- heading for printer emulations (2nd crit., part a) 3rd param. --- heading for printer drivers (2nd crit., part b) 4th-10th param. --- empty 11th param. --- heading for printing formats (3rd criterion) 12th param. --- heading for 4th criterion 13th param. --- heading for 5th criterion ... (the number of criteria is not limited!) the last parameter may be followed by the separator example: @ printer @ emulation @ driver @ @ @ @ @@@@ format @ double-sided @ resolution @ department @ colour @ all other lines: nnn<30 --- short text for printer, commas (",") are not allowed 1st param. printer printer name (1st criterion) 2nd param. --- emulation name (2nd crit., part a) 3rd param. prtdriver printer driver (2nd crit., part b) 4th param. prtsuf suffix for the printfile 5th param. prtoptions printer driver option string (especially: x-y-offset should be correct, such as TeX's zero will be 1 inch below and right to the left upper edge of the paper!) 6th param. lpcmd print command 7th param. lpopt print command option string 8-10th param. --- empty (unused) 11th param. --- format selection specifications (3rd criterion) 12th param. --- value for 4th criterion 13th param. --- value for 5th criterion ... (the number of values must be the same as headings given above!) All the parameters starting with the 11th parameter must be of the following form: text1{options_prtdriver}{options_lpcmd}[,text2{...}{...}[,...]] The text "text?" is added to prttext and will be displayed in the "printer selection box" in the "printer selection menu". Use the same format texts (11th parameter) as in "/locals_*/preview.vst". "options_prtdriver" will be added to "prtoptions". "options_lpcmd" will be added to "lpopt". The number of triples "text{...}{...}" (at least one) is not limited. Example: HPLaserjet IV @ xlw3 @ Postscript @ dvips @ .ps @ @ lp @ -c -dxlw3 @@@@ A4_portrait{}{},A4_landscape{-t landscape}{} @ single-sided{}{-dsimplex},double-sided{}{}@300dpi{}{},600dpi{-P xlw3}{}@LRW@sw@ /locals_*/prt_dvijep.vst page selection: same structure as prt_dvips.vst /locals_*/prt_dvi???.vst page selection: same structure as prt_dvips.vst /locals_*/prt_dvips.vst page selection; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=85 prmtext text (first nnn characters are displayed) 1st param. prmrelabs r : the user may select the start and end page to be printed as relative page numbers a : the user may select the start and end page to be printed as absolute page numbers (blank) : all pages must be printed, i.e. page selection is forbidden (e.g. a5booklet) 2nd param. prmsel by this parameter the corresponding commands in procedure prt_dvips will be selected (file prt_dvips.tcl, see below) /locals_*/spellcheck.vst list of spelling check programs; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=80 sptext text (first nnn characters displayed) 1. param spcmd name of the spelling check program 2nd param. splang language: may be used to select the dictionary when calling the spelling check program 3rd param. spcorr = "K" if the spelling check program possibly changes the text file = " " otherwise if the spell check program may possibly change the text files, and an editor is active at the same time, there may be conflicts. In this case, the user is given a warning before starting the spelling check program. 4th param. spselect empty (unused!) 5th param. spoptions option string for the spell check program /locals_*/suffix.vst list of suffixes in the edit settings menu all lines: 1-end esuff suffix ( * | .tex | .aux | ... ) /locals_*/syntax.vst list of syntax check programs; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=55 sytext text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. syntax name (call) of the syntax check program 2nd param. syoptions option string for the syntax check program /locals_*/texfmt.vst list of TeX formats; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=20 text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. texfmt TeX format (tex | latex | slitex | ...) /locals_*/texsize.vst list of prefixes: size of TeX programs; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=20 texmtext text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. texmem prefix for tex program (normally left blank or "big" otherwise) /locals_*/texsuffix.vst list of suffixes for TeX files (TeX settings menu) also used for "additional programs" structure: all lines: 1-end texsuffix suffix (.tex | .ltx | .doc | ... ) /locals_*/utility.vst list of additional programs; structure: 1st line: first non-blank character: field separator for this file all other lines: nnn=50 uttext text (first nnn characters displayed) 1st param. utcmd command name 2nd param. utoptions option string for this command The variable name is added in the preceding list, if it is used in the setting files "/locals-*/default.vst", $HOME/.xtem.vst and in the .vst-file associated to the actual .tex-file. More variables, which are set in the setting file "default.vst": edsyntaxhelp yes | no yes: when the editor is called, additionally a window with the names of the LaTeX commands will be created. By clicking one of the commands, a window with the syntax and a short description plus example to the command will be created (only for those formats "xxx", for which a directory .../xtem/help_*/xxx_syntax/ is present) prtfilperm non-permanent | permanent (language dependent, see below) non-permanent: the file to be printed ($prt_file) will be deleted after printing permanent: the file to be printed ($prt_file) will not be deleted after printing these values must be identical with the strings given to the variables vv(dm19)/vv(dm20) in the file "/xtem/help_*/button.texts". texmax maximum number of TeX runs ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) prpreopt option string for the dvips run, if such a run is necessary before a preview start (necessary before ghostview e.g.) prformat actual selected format for the preview program prtformat actual selected format for printing usually "prformat" "prtformat" will automatically have the same values (if possible, i.e. the selected value for the one is also available for the other, otherwise the user will be advised!) prtselstr string, containing all selection criteria to identify a printer setting prtpresel string, containing asterisks "*" or the specified criteria for printer list reduction. hlp_bmsuppr 0 | 1 0: bitmaps are suppressed by defaault in (La)TeX-syntax 1: bitmaps are diplayed by defaault in (La)TeX-syntax bell_level 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 different levels for the bell 1: warnings and errors result in a bell signal 2: errors only result in a bell signal 3: severe errors only result in a bell signal 4: no bell signal at all All variables set in the file "/locals_*/default.vst" are read when you click on "reset to defaults", the user may save his actual setting by clicking on "save preferences" in the main menu: they are written identically into 2 files: a) in the actual directory in a .vst-file associated to the actual .tex-file, b) in the "$HOME" directory in file ".xtem_*.vst" (* stands for the language) They have the same structure as the file "/locals_*/default.vst": cols 1-19 keyword = variable name in xtem; same variable names as in the structure descriptions for the other files! cols 20-end default value for the variable VI. Programs needed with the given Setting Files: ------------------------------------------------- The local administrator should install all .vst-files carefully and test them: if a not-existent program is called, Tcl/Tk breaks down with an "X-error"! In this case you get a glance of what should be called by selecting mkcommand.0 as exec mode (this will show you only the calls via "mkCmd_wait", it will not show you the calls via "exec"). In this version of xtem we use the following programs/scripts: editor: emacs vi dvi-driver: dvidvi dvijep dvips TeX: tex latex latex209 previewer: ghostview xdvi spelling check: spell ispell syntax check: texchk index preparing: makeindex bibliography: bibtex protocol files: cat pg (plus editor list, see above) additional programs: changecode syntax help: gunzip xdvi Thus we recommend to execute the following Unix commands and look at the results: which emacs vi which dvidvi dvijep dvips which tex latex latex209 which ghostview xdvi which spell ispell which texchk which makeindex which bibtex which cat pg which changecode which gunzip xdvi VII. Help Information --------------------- To each widget a file with a help text is associated. In this version the filename is displayed at the top of the help text; this makes it easy to the local administrator to modify the help texts. (if you want, remove the following lines: $f insert end "----- $vv(aus5): $dnam -----\n";### this line may be removed in the file "ut.tcl" (procedures "cat_file0" and "cat_file")) The right mouse button is used only for getting help. Consequently by clicking the right mouse button, the user will get help to this special button etc., where he actually clicked. /help_*/... If you modifiy the .vst-files, you probably also have to modify the helpfiles. /help_*/xt_localnews.hlp By this file the local administrator is given a pinboard for TeX news, this file is displayed, when you click on "local news" in the main menu. VIII. LaTeX Syntax Help: ------------------------ There are syntax helps for nearly all LaTeX commands in hypertext, /help_*/miscellaneous/*.htx /help_*/latex/*.htx In these files you will find the syntax which is used for the online-help whilst editing. This is an open list of files, i.e. by adding new files new help is added to the latex syntax help menu. You may also add new directories for other formats (e.g. /help_english/tex/*.htx). For details see README.htx For most of these files exist examples and dvi-files+bitmaps with the LaTeX output for these examples. The bitmaps were generated from the dvi files by means of xv (grabbing from an xdvi or ghostview representation of the dvi file) These bitmaps were saved in the files .../xtem/help_*/latex/*.xbm and then packed with gzip -9 ... (pack option: -9) into .../xtem/help_*/latex/*.xbm.gz When a bitmap is to be displayed, a copy will be unpacked, displayed, the unpacked file is deleted after this. You may unpack all these files, this will take a lot of disk space, but it will save the (small) delay by unpacking when syntax helps are used. You may also delete all files .../xtem/help_*/latex/*.xbm .../xtem/help_*/latex/*.xbm.gz in this case the files .../xtem/help_*/latex/*.dvi are displayed by means of the program xdvi If neither gunzip nor xdvi is available at your installation, you have to modify the procedure hlpwin_bitmap in file ts.tcl. In this case, please inform us so that we can extend ts.tcl for future releases. IX. Adding a new Printer Driver: -------------------------------- For each printer driver (its name beeing represented by "???") you have to create two files: prt_???.tcl according to prt_dvips.tcl /locals_*/prt_???.vst according to /locals_*/prt_dvips.vst (i.e. here the printer driver dvips may serve as a model). and you have to add a line to file "tclIndex": set auto_index(prt_???) "source $dir/prt_???.tcl" X. Other Files which may be changed by the Local Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- In order to make the installation of future releases easier to you, only the following files may be adjusted by the local TeX administrator to the local installation: bibliogr.tcl printing.tcl editor.tcl index.tcl logfile.tcl newsfile.tcl preview.tcl spellcheck.tcl syntax.tcl tex.tcl xtem_prog All these files are simple structured and contain only simple Tcl-Shell-script-commands (i.e. they do not contain the more complicated Tk-widget-commands) and are used as the interface for program calls. Most of the Tcl commands used in these files are self-explaining. Unusual to the newcomer in Tcl may be: glob -nocomplain -- * unsorted filelist of the actual directory lsort ... sorting of a list unlink -nocomplain ... delete of a file frename ... ... renaming a file (same as "mv" in Unix) If new procedures are added, their names must be added to the file tclIndex too. This may be done manually or by means of the Tcl commands: $ wish wish>auto_mkindex . *.tcl wish>Ctrl-d ============================================================================= All other files except these ones described in sections V. - X. may only be changed in contact with the authors. ============================================================================= XI. Executing Programs (Program Calls): mkcommand ------------------------------------------------- Each file mentioned in the preceding section includes at least one program call, in general with 2 parameters: 1. parameter: text widget, into which the output of the program call and further messages are written. 2. parameter: string variable "austext", into which in this procedure text may be written by means of variable "a". More text may be written into the text widget by means of the procedures "writescr" and "writescr0" (see below). All other variables may be accessed by means of global commands. For program calls (Unix commands) you may select between the following (when editing, previewing or log-listing is called, the variables edback, prback or logback specify, whether the command is to be executed in background or not): 1) mkCmd_wait $f command [list "list_of_parameters/options"] eval mkCmd_wait $f command [list "list_of_parameters/options"] call of dvips as an example: 1a) mkCmd_wait $f dvips [list "$prtoptions $main_file"] call of ls as an example: 1b) mkCmd_wait $f ls [list ""] mkCmd_wait assumes the 2nd argument as the command to be called, the string following to the keyword list (enclosed in "...") is taken as the parameter list for this command. If the command is to be called without parameters, there must be an empty list as in example 1b). Output of the command is put into the widget $f (normally passed to the calling procedure as an argument), the normal user-dialog is possible in this widget (e.g. with TeX program in error case). The process-Id of the last generated process (only if generated by mkCmd_wait) is available in a variable, thus killing of a running process is possible: button "cancel" in the xtem main menu. Processes generated by mkCmd_wait may also be terminated as usual: Ctrl-d EOF Ctrl-c interrupt Error output of the command (stderr) is put into the same widget, by choice in another font type ( file "/locals_*/install.vst", variable "fonterr", see preceding variable description). 2) eval catch "exec dvips $main_file.dvi" message 3) eval set res [catch "exec dvips $main_file.dvi" message] calls a program (dvips) and gets its output (which may then be passed to the text message widget). By this you may likewise call programs, which generate their own window (such as xdvi, ghostview, emacs). 4) eval set res [catch "exec xterm -e $editor $edoptions $ed_file $edback" \ message] calls a program (stored in $editor), which must run in an xterm widget; e.g. the vi editor only run in an xterm widget! Calling with eval is recommended and is necessary, if an option string may be empty. Otherwise in case of empty option string there would be an additional empty parameter, which causes problems e.g. for emacs, vi, some printer drivers! Program calls using catch give different results in res and message (names of these two variables according to the preceding examples): - call in foreground: res return code message standard output (stdout) and error output (stderr) - call in background: message PID (since Tcl version 7.0, empty string formerly) For more details see the Tcl manual/man pages. Output may be put into the text message widget by means of the procedures: writescr0 $f "text" writescr $f "text" $f is the variable name which contains the text message widget name. It is given as the first parameter of the procedure call. Normally the text should be put within double-quotes. If using "writescr0", the text will be put into the widget starting at line 0, (i.e. the former contents will be deleted), otherwise the text will be appended. XII. Variables used for Process Administration: ----------------------------------------------- Process administration is done by means of the following variables: sub = 0 no foreground processes are active (most buttons unlocked except "cancel" and buttons with active background process(es)) = 1 one or more foreground processes are active (all buttons locked except "cancel" and "unlock") p_mkCmd = PID process Id of the process which was last started by mkCmd_wait (Tcl version >= 7.0) until termination = 1 otherwise edsubback = 0 no editor (started in background by xtem) is active (i.e. = 0 until call of an editor in background by xtem; will be reset to 0, when xtem notices, that all editors started by xtem are no longer active; this check is possible in Tcl version >= 7.0) = PID editor was started in background and PID is known (Tcl version >= 7.0); if more than one editor was started this is the PID of the last started editor call. prsubback same as edsubback, for preview program logsubback same as edsubback, for "protocol file" XIII. Installation of the Manual Page: -------------------------------------- Install the manual page xtem.1 XIV. Files in the User's Directories, which are read/written by xtem: --------------------------------------------------------------------- .lastxtem - is written when "save preferences" is clicked, - is read at start of xtem, - contains the filenames at the moment of last "save". ???.vst - is written when "save preferences" is done. $HOME/.xtem.vst - is written when "save preferences" is done. At start of xtem or when "load preferences" is clicked, the file "???.vst" is read --- where ??? stands for the mainfile (.tex-file which will be used when TeX is called). If it doesn't exist, the file "$HOME/.xtem.vst" is read instead. If this file doesn't exist likewise, the file "$XTEMPATH/xtem/locals_*/default.vst" is read. XV. Program "changecode": -------------------- The added program "changecode" is written in C and compiled with Gnu gcc compiler with system Sun/SOLARIS and makes different code changes: German umlaute <---> corresponding TeX- or german-TeX commands 8-bit-IBM-DOS <---> 8-bit-ISO-latin-1 Unix file <---> DOS-file (CR/LF!) tabulators ---> expanded to blanks (tabulator-stops at pos. 8,16,24,..) This program may be system dependent by blocked read/write. If changes are necessary for some systems, please give us an e-mail! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If nothing else helps, don't hesitate to contact: questions concerning xtem: phone. +421 - 218 - 3532 special questions concerning the installation of Tk, Tcl, TclX: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known problems: =============== - message 'can't read "tk_priv(relief)": no such element in array ...' (occasionally in certain constellations at left mouse clicks) seems to occur only with Tcl version < 7.0! - message 'selection doesn't exist or form "STRING" not defined' (when 3 or more mouse clicks immediately instead of double click in select boxes). action to be done: click on "OK"-button - message '... file10 does not exist ...' (occasionally after program execution) seems to be a synchronization problem after program termination in TclX, seems to be system-dependent (e.g. Linux) and load-dependent action to be done: click on "OK"-button - Call of a non-existing program results in annoying and confusing situations. This can only happen, if the local administrator has not installed all programs listed in the files /locals_*/*.vst a) if a "program not found" was called by means of "mkCmd_wait", this results in an X11 error message: '... X Error of failed request ...', b) if a "program not found" was called in background by means of 'catch "exec ..."', the resulting error message may be written to the xterm window. If you click on "exec mode" in the main menu of xtem and then select mkcommand.0, you may see what should be called via "mkCmd_wait"! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- During installation of xtem on different systems we heard of the following problems: AIX version ??? : right mouse button doesn't give help texts, instead of this: "Restore", "Move", ... "Close" -Widget error cause: in the file "system.mwmrc" (in /usr/lib/X11/ or /usr/lpp/X11/lib/X11/ ) exists a binding Buttons ... window AIX version ??? : use "aixterm" instead of "xterm" in the files "/locals_*/*.vst", especially for calling TEN/PLUS editor. Sun SOLARIS2.x : be sure, that BSD commands cannot be found during installation of Tcl/Tk/TclX (PATH must not include "/usr/ucb")! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ** ** ** In any case after successful installation, please send an e-mail ** ** to ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** with answers to some or all of the following questions: ** ** ** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ institution: address: name: phone: e-mail: computer: system-version: xtem-version: mkcommand-version used normally: more mkcommand-versions which run correctly (if tested): mkcommand-versions which don't run correctly (if tested): Tcl-version: Tk-version: TclX-version: addinput-version (if installed): problems which happened: hints for further improvements: if you want to get an e-mail when future versions of xtem will be released, please give e-mail address(es) here: ********************************************************************** **********************************************************************