This is release 1.0 of xdrum. xdrum is wishm based script that allows you to create and edit drum patterns under X11. These patterns can then be saved in a re-loadable and editable ASCII format or in a non-loadable MIDI format. Though the MIDI format can't be re-loaded, it conforms to the Standard MIDI Format and can be used with other tools such as the tclm scripts mplay and minfo. Wishm is John Ousterhout's wish interpreter with tclm extensions. Wish in turn is based on his interpreted language tcl. Tcl is a simple and easy to use scripting language designed for applications such as this. The tclm extensions are extensions to tcl that allow one to easily read/write and modify MIDI files. To use xdrum, you must have tcl, tk and tclm. Tcl and tk are available at Tclm is probably available where you found xdrum. If not check comp.sources.misc archive sites and See the INSTALL file for information on how to build and install xdrum. Special thanks go to Michael Caro ( for invaluable input and feedback. mike durian