README - 1.11.1 - $Id: README,v 1.4 1994/09/14 08:47:56 dl Exp $ tcl_cruncher : A TCL pseudo compiler and/or syntax checker Copyright 9/1994 by Laurent Demailly ( This program transforms nice Tcl/TclX/Itcl sources into an ugly but faster standard output : it removes all unneeded white spaces, ; , all comments, etc... the result is unreadable, but can be twice as fast & as small than original. It can also be used to check syntax of your programs. It does all this very fast. Usage: tcl_cruncher [-t] [-1] [-c] [-s] [-d more-definitions-file] file names or '-' for standard output. using -t shows the all the commands of the script, in a 'calling tree' form on stderr (use it like in tcl_cruncher -tcs ... |& more for best result) it can help to detect problems. Experimental feature. using -1 keeps first comments (ie #! /usr/local/bin/wish -f and (c)...) using -s disable switch & brace in comments warnings and processed line count output using -c performs check only (no stdoutput) using -d option provides for adding new recognized commands without recompiling, ie you have your own command 'cmd' that have 1 argument which is a script, like the itcl 'destructor' command, just put in a text file the line : "cmd destructor" and cmd will be analyzed ! Example: "tcl_cruncher *.tcl > lib.tclc" 'compiles' everything into lib.tclc "tcl_cruncher -cs *.tcl" makes a good syntax checker to use it from inside tcl, re-define for instance : proc source file {uplevel #0 [exec tcl_cruncher -s $file]} and all your sourced files will then be auto-magically speeded up Warnings: + switch ?o? v {p1 {s1} p2 {s2}} construct is not optimized you should do it by hand for full speed, or use the switch ?o? v p1 {s1} p2 {s2} ... construct... + "if ... elseif ..." can be misinterpreted in tree mode. (-t) It compiles with gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall -O without any problem (tested on hpux : add -D_HPUX_SOURCE and linux) if you don't have an ansi compiler, grab gcc, or ansi2kr, or remove prototypes & const... (see Makefile) Free software - 'Artistic' license (see file LICENSE), summary : You can use, copy modify & distribute freely as long as credit to original author is maintained, source is provided & changes you make to the original are clearly stated. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. latest version is always on ftp* There is a mailing list, to get informed about new versions, and also to discuss tcl compilation & syntax checks related subjects, if you want to subscribe : send "susbscribe tcl_cruncher firstname name" (without quotes "") to in the mail *body* please send bugs/patches/suggestions/love letters... to (or to the list)