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Ural Project Miscellaneous Documentation

Personalization?: Applied to what? Why should I personalize anything? I love Social Apps and want to share everything with my friends, co-workers, relatives, bosses, and the world. (Oh really?)

Well, I agree, if you want to share blank on blank? Go ahead, just don't expect me to share “all my blanks.” Thus, a new direction for applications and web sites should be considered. My question is? What is that direction?

Every user (or person) should be allowed to install their own tools. Everyone has a right, to use their own computers, their own favorite apps, their own methods for handling day–to–day information.

Who ever might of thought, word–processing has become synonomous with “just” using Microsoft Word? Well, that is just stupid. We still have freedom of speech. We still have freedom to write or type. How have we lost freedom to ignore a proprietary locking software vendor?

• So, here is the reasoning to this form of Ural.

  1. It is “just” an app, for your own private use.

  2. It is not about social Web 2.0 or sharing / collaborative information or exchanges.

  3. Now, since I’ve told you that. If you tell other users where your Ural pages are? Then, the secret is out.

    There is a password associated with the two pages of Ural. Plus, there are a few common safeguard (coding) practices in place to keep the application secure & keep your server safe. However, I cannot and do not make any promises, warranties, guarantees, expressed or implied, as to the fullest details of this application.

    Of course, the source code is open, available, and “anyone” wishing to contribute to it, or to fork their own version of the project, for themselves. You are more than welcomed to take it apart, re-build it, re-mold it, change-it, use it for other PHP apps & such.

Original Project Description: A HyperLink collection authoring tool. It will take a single source document and produce a collection of HTML pages, to render in 3 column wide format single bordered tables of the HyperLinks. Uses for this project are creating a more tree-like layout of long hyperlink pages. So, instead of having a 500 mile long huge page of 10,000 hyperlinks, as some authors do. You can collect and designate subjects and sub-topics (in the one document). Then, the publisher [Ural] will create the post content to make a navigatable set of HTML pages.

Is there a prototype for this C++ version? Yes, in about a year’s. It should be ready. Although, at this point, I don't see it being too useful. Even for myself and I'm the guy making it.

The Logo: Why did I pick the name Ural? First answer, it is similar to the main theme - URL. (Uniform Resource Locator) Second, for the record, I've never been to Russia, or seen the Ural Mountains. It would be nice to see the other side of the world, someday. What is in a name?

The logo is a drawing by myself with GIMP. Just some imaginary mountains and snow-packed peaks. Although, in fifty years, it seems seeing glaciers on a mountain top is going to become a thing of the past, and no one believes 6 plus Billion people running fossil fuel powered vehicles can change the Earth’s climate? Right, this is all a big coincidence, till the next major weather event of the century, in X months.

Copyrighted (C) 2006: Glen Ritchie
Creative Commons License
on Web Page Sources.
Created: Mar. 01, 2006
Last Updated: Mar. 02, 2006, Thr.