This page is not a perfect copy of the original hebrew TarGNUm page, and exists only in order to give readers who can't read hebrew a glimpse of what TarGNUm is, and what it does. Thus, this documents will not be updated as frequently as the original page.
If you belong to a different translation group, you might want to look at FAQ section, it contains some (two for now) questions which are common to all translation efforts. if you'd like to get help (graphics, HTML, whatever) in creating a TarGNUm-like page for your translation team, contact Ofer.

[image of a gnu that looks like Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. Ben-Yegnuda.] [ English | Hebrew ]

TraGNUm is a synonym for the GNU project site (http://www.gnu.org) hebrew translation team. the TarGNUm site is the home of the translation team.
The TarGNUm activity includes collecting documents translated to Hebrew, logging the translation effort as it advances, and translating documents not yet translated.

Documents translated so far
as they can be found under www.gnu.org

Name of document that was translated
Translator Editor Date edited
/index.html the duke
the duke

Noam the duke

/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html Noam the duke

/philosophy/gif.html the duke
the duke

the duke
the duke

/philosophy/linux-gnu-freedom.html Noam the duke

Documents being edited

Name of edited document
Translator Editor Date Translated Comments
/philosophy/why-free.html Eli Mana Dov 10.1.2003

/philosophy/free-doc.html ?
Translator is unknown. whoever translated it, let Ofer know.
/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html ?
Translator is unknown. whoever translated it, let Ofer know.
the duke

the duke

the duke
Octorber 2002
Translation in RTF format

Documents being translated

Name of document being translated Translator Date assigned
Edo 11.3.2003

/gnu/thegnuproject.html Noam 2.4.2003

/projects/projects.html Jonathan 10.4.2003

Jonathan 10.4.2003
/fsf/fsf.html Yuval 10.4.2003
Yuval 10.4.2003

"stuck" documents
The meaning of RP in "Group/editor" is that the documents were translated in the period when Rafram was the translation team coordinator (Rafram Period)

Name of stuck document
Translator Group/editor Date translated
Listed as translated in Rafram's notes, Dov might have a copy.
Listed as translated in Rafram's notes, but never got to Ofer.
/philosophy/philosophy.html ?
Listed as translated in Rafram's notes, but seems that it wasn't translated. Will be translated again to fit the other translated documents.
/philosophy/selling.html ?
Listed as translated in Rafram's notes, but seems that it wasn't translated.
/philosophy/reliability.html ?
Listed as translated in Rafram's notes, but seems that it wasn't translated.

Dov Margulis - De Facto contact man****, translator and editor**
Edo Amin - translator
Eli - translator
Jonathan Levy (J) - translator - jl344322 [HAT] yahoo[DOD]com
Noam - translator and editor**
Ofer Waldman (duke of spacingham, the duke) - De Facto coordinator***, translator and editor** - dukos[HAT]freedom[DOD]usa[DOD]com
Rafram Chaddad - retired coordinator
Shay - translator
Yuval (the Q) - translator

Non-active members

Dotan - translator

* The E-mail addresses are written the way they are in order to prevent address-searching-Bots from identifying them as addresses and sending them junk-mail.
** an editor is a person who doesn't have the time, or mental power to translate, but is willing to read documents and deliver comments about errors (in style, syntax, or translation).
***  De Facto coordinator is the person leading the group untill a coordinator will be elected by a vote.
****  De Facto contact man is the person incharge of the contact with Luis, the translations coordinator from the GNU site. in a normal situation the coordinator will have that role.

Dictionary for common expressions

This section of the page is irrelevant for the english version asd it is based on english phrases and their hebrew counterparts (including reasons).

For any corrections or/and suggestions as for the dictionary write to Ofer Waldman (until a new coordinator for the translation team will be elected, or till Rafram will show signs of life).

Notes about translating documents

The documents should be translated into HTML format, it is advised to us Mozilla Composer for that task (until/unless otherwise will be said), though you can use whatever editor you like.
The document<body> tag has to be the original tag, with the addition of document direction: <body dir="rtl">.
at the end of the document, under the line which has to di with the last update of the document, there should be a line containing the translator's name, and the translation date, in the following format:
Translated: <Day> <month> <Year (4 digits)>, <hours:minutes:seconds> Israel time, by <Trnalstor name> (edited:) as part of TarGNUm

The editor will add the information about the editing.


Translated: 12 june 2002, 16:35:10 Israel time, by Dov Margulis (edited: 29 March 2003 by the duke) as part of TarGNUm

The translation should include the ALT text of the imags in it (in the form [image text])

The translation should include the links to languages to which the document was translated, by their english order (till further notice), "Hebrew" should be added at the right place. (remember there are links at the top and at the bottom.!)

Make links point to where they point at the original document. the document editor will make sure to redirect the links to hebrew teranslations of the pages, if they exist.

Where the copyright notice appears (below), you must include the original english text, and above it there should come a translated verion, which you can copy from any other page (as long as you check that the translation fits the text on your page). You must not copy the lower part in it's whole from other documents, as other documents may have passed minor adjustments (like the years numbers on the copyright notice), which makes it different from the notice on your page.

the documents should be saved in unicode - UTF-8 (in case you don't know how to do that, or you don't know what it is, you can leave it to the editor).

The translated documents are better sent as gzip complient zip files so that no proprietary software will be needed in order to open them (on GNU/Linux, for example)

If you have any ideas or yuo disagree with any of the translation notes, let Ofer know.


Why does "TarGNUm" exists for?
TarGNUm is the home page for the GNU site Hebrew Translation team.
The problem was that until the TarGNUm page was created, there was no documentation of the team's progress, and no one but Rafram kne w who did what and what's going on.

The TarGNUm page uses us to show information about the translation team, thus improving info accessibility in it.

Why should the GNU site be translated when those who want access to this kind of material probably already know english anyway?
Maybe they know english, but they are not neccessarily willing to read long documents in english.
People who deal with technical computers material are accostumed to reading long (mostly tchnical) english texts, but many industry people, such as executives or marketing people, and not a few academy people or just people who are not very accostumed with reading english documents won't stall on an english text unless they have special interest in it. A hebrew text, on the other hand, will enable them to get the main issues in a glimpse, and will require much less effort to understand and internalize (not mentioning the effort put in searching for a dictionary).
According to that line of thought, pages concerning the GNU philosophy, and ideas that GNU stands for or supports, are favoured for translation purposes over heavy technical documents (such as a library interface socumentation). The heavy technical documents are read anyway by people who master technical english, and prefer the original over a translation. The documents which present ideas, on the other hand, are meant for the general public, and translating them would make them more accessible for people who are intimidated by the english.
Besides, not everyone knows english.

How do I join in?
You mail Ofer. Untill a new coordinator for this page will be elected, or until Rafram will show signs of life, I'll take care of updating this page.
You can also contact Dov (once he'll agree to publish his address here).

What is the meaning of thr Rafram period groups?
The groups are based on the groups which were probably set by Rafram. It seems the groups had an organizational meaning only, but since most group members are no longer active, they are quite meaningless today.

These, as it seems, are the only groups which activity the translation team people know of.

Where did this name "TarGNUm" came from?
"Targum" is the hebrew word for "translation". Thus "TarGNUm" is a combination of "GNU" and "translation". The idea came from the name "LiGNUx" which was suggested for some time for GNU/Linux. "LiGNUx" didn't catch up, but it doesn't make it a less cute combination. If you don't like the name "TarGNUm" you are welcomed to offer a better name.

Why is the lower part of this document not fully translated in the hebrew version?
The information below is about contacting with people who don't speak hebrew. translating these parts would create a false impression.
I addition, that certain part has some legal meanings, and every translation (meant to replace it) is better to be done after consulting a lawyer.

technical problems

A line I translated starts in hebrew and then turns english. some words of the english parts and the beginning of the hebrew part should form together a link, but since the english part runs on the opposite direction, I get a splitted link whose english part is on the right side of the line, and the second, hebrew, part is on the other side. how do I "break" the english words so that they won't be included in the english part?

Close the part that needs to be the link in <span dir="rtl">

Due to the document tdirection, left to right, some english sentences get mangled

Close them in a <span dir="ltr">

Return to GNU's home page.

FSF & GNU inquiries & questions to [email protected]. Other ways to contact the FSF.

send other questions to [email protected].

questiond and comments about TarGNUm you can mail to Ofer Waldman (the duke)

Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Updated: $Date: 2003/04/20 17:29:00 $ $Author: the_duke $