speakcid is a perl script that logs the caller id information to a database and also uses the festival TTS engine to announce who is calling. speakcid can be configured to map a number to a name and also spell out a name phonetically before it is passed on to festival. speakcid was forked from version 1.0.12 of basic_callerid_logger.
speakcid is hosted on Savannah. Here is the link to speakcid's project page. |
Required ComponentsPerl
ConfigurationThe options of speakcid are grouped at the top of the perl script. Here is a list of configuration items that are listed in speakcid:
Speackcid will try and connect to the running festival server using a TCP/IP socket. To get the TTS to work properly just make sure that the festival server is up and running. You can test the festival server using the festival_client application that comes with festival. Just run festival_server and then type (SayText "Testing 1 2 3") and then ctrl-c. If everything is working properly you should hear the festival say back Testing 1 2 3. Once festival is up and running all you need to do is to invoke speakcid. A log file will be created in /var/log/callerid.log. Because of this the user that runs speakcid will need write acces to /var/log. |
Web Interfacespeakcid comes with a web interface that allows you to query your caller id database. cid.pl is perl script that can be setup in a cgi area. Here is what the query interface looks like and here is an example of the search results. |
DownloadYou can download the latest version speakcid here. | ||||||||||||||
Basic Caller Id ScriptSpeakcid was forked from the basic_callerid_logger script. Hopefully one day speakcid will be merged into basic_callerid_logger. Specifically speakcid was forked from version 1.0.12 version of the basic_callerid_logger. |
Contact InfoIf you have any comments/bugs/suggestions feel free to send them to [email protected] |
This site is hosted on Savannah. |