Rouge Project Page

Rouge is to be the Ultimate Ruby User Interface. This is a Grand Goal and the path will be long.

Discussion about Rouge is held on a mailinglist, kindly hosted by germane-software. [not sure, can I put the address here openly?]

Results are put on the FreeRide WiKi, but let's recoup some of the results here:



As a result from those requirements, Rouge has a tentative architecture (from top to bottom): Note that it is possible to put layers on top of alpha (GUI builders, like glade, should use alpha). Also, there will be layers below gamma, like graphical engines.

For now, Rouge ignores higher layers and is non-specific about lower layers.


A good place to start in the architecture, because it allows you to see the results immediately. For now, it is Ruby-Wise by Kero and implements more than just Gamma elements. It uses Xlib and provides some basic widgets. Some small applets are implemented with it, that dock into Window Managers that support this.

An extra requirement for Ruby-Wise is that it must run on an iPAQ with Linux.

Obtain Ruby-Wise with:

  cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/rouge login
  cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/rouge co rubywise


What must be tackled first? What can be done later?