Exception while running duplicity
Peter Ehrenberg
[email protected]
20 Sep 2002 15:10:09 +0200
Ben Escoto <[email protected]> writes:
> [...] Ahh, the first bug report... I was hoping that someone other
> than me was trying to run it...
IMHO there is a little bit less documentation on who it works.
o The importance of local archive directory.
o If the backed up machine completely crashes, can I get my data
back by hand without duplicity? This to know would relieved me.
> > [...abot three slashes for an absolut path...]
> It's a bit confusing, but I think I'm following the standard. [...]
> > [...about an exception...]
> Looks like a problem with --exclude-other-filesystems. Is it
> possible you were deleting files during the backup?
The backup runs on an active machine. There may be deleting of files
in the same time.
> If so, this patch should fix it [...]
I've applied the patch. Tests will go on...
> but if not, then it won't, so if you weren't deleting files then no
> need to try it out. Is it choking on any particular directory?
Which verbose level I have to set to get the directory name (I've
tried -v9 but getting gigabytes of debug output)?
Gru� PE
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Ehrenberg Tel.: (040) 756604-40
Rotenh�user Stra�e 51 Fax: (040) 756604-41
21109 Hamburg Netz: http://www.dipe.de
Germany mailto:[email protected]