problem with rdiff-backup-0.5.1
Ben Escoto
[email protected]
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 15:10:44 -0800
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Content-ID: <[email protected]>
>>>>> "AA" == Alberto Accomazzi <[email protected]>
>>>>> wrote the following on Thu, 28 Feb 2002 12:10:14 -0500
AA> I'm back trying to use rdiff-backup after a hyatus of a few
AA> months spent on other little projects, and was happy to see a
AA> much improved version around.
AA> I call the script as user ads_back with the following options:
AA> rdiff-backup /proj/ads/soft /proj/ads-md3/backups/proj/ads/soft
AA> and the script crashes after it copies over files in the first
AA> directory. From the traceback, it looks to me like it's trying
AA> to modify the access time of the original directory. Why is
AA> that and can I do anything to avoid the problem?
Yep, a new bug. The enclosed patch should fix it. I also added a
test case for this on my end so hopefully this won't come up later..
Ben Escoto
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Content-Type: text/patch; charset="us-ascii"
Content-ID: <[email protected]>
Content-Description: rdiff-backup-aa.patch
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
--- rdiff-backup.old Thu Feb 28 15:06:47 2002
+++ rdiff-backup Thu Feb 28 15:06:08 2002
@@ -3462,11 +3462,10 @@
if self.perms_delayed and self.newperms:
self.conn.os.chmod(self.path, self.getperms())
- if (self.times_delayed and (self.newtimes or self.isdir())
- and not self.issym()):
+ if self.times_delayed and not self.issym():
self.settime_bypass(self.getatime(), self.getmtime())
- else: self.setmtime_bypass(self.getmtime())
+ elif self.newtimes: self.setmtime_bypass(self.getmtime())
class DestructiveStepping:
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