Paddle Member List

This is the complete list of members for Paddle, including all inherited members.

ClearCollisionList()Object [inline]
CollidedWith(char *name)Object
CollidesWith(char *name)Object [inline]
GetCollisionMode()Object [inline]
GetImageArea(int *w, int *h)Object [inline]
GetPos(float *x, float *y)Object [inline]
GetVelocity(float *x, float *y)Object [inline]
m_blitrectObject [protected]
m_collision_listObject [protected]
m_imgObject [protected]
m_modeObject [protected]
m_posxObject [protected]
m_posyObject [protected]
m_velxObject [protected]
m_velyObject [protected]
Object(char *imglocation, CollisionMode mode)Object
Paddle(char *imagelocation)Paddle [inline]
Render(SDL_Surface *screen)Object [virtual]
SetCenterXPos(float i)Object [inline]
SetCenterYPos(float i)Object [inline]
Setsrccolorkey(int r, int g, int b)Object
SetXPos(float i)Object [inline]
SetXVelocity(float i)Object [inline]
SetYPos(float i)Object [inline]
SetYVelocity(float i)Object [inline]
Update()Paddle [virtual]
~Object()Object [virtual]

Generated on Wed Feb 21 21:50:47 2007 for Minup by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1