Previous: Shuffling the Deck, Up: Operations on Stacks

3.4.3 Drawing a Card from the Deck

Now every player has the same shuffled deck s and nobody knows in which order the 52 cards are stacked. Therefore you can simply use any drawing strategy to obtain a players hand. For example, look at the following code that draws two cards from s for each player.

     TMCG_Stack<VTMF_Card> hand[5];
     for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       VTMF_Card c1, c2;
       s.pop(c1), s.pop(c2);
       hand[i].push(c1), hand[i].push(c2);
Further, probably you want disclose the card types to the corresponding player. Consider the code fragment for the player P_j: Every player receives the necessary information from the other players and computes the card types of his hand hand[j]. Finally, these types are stored together with the masked cards in the open stack private_hand. The example can be modified in a straightforward way to publicly disclose a card from a players hand or from the remaining stack s.

     TMCG_OpenStack<VTMF_Card> private_hand;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       if (i == j)
         for (size_t k = 0; k < hand[j].size(); k++)
           tmcg->TMCG_SelfCardSecret(hand[j][k], vtmf);
           for (size_t i2 = 0; i2 < 5; i2++)
             if (i2 == j)
             if (!tmcg->TMCG_VerifyCardSecret(hand[j][k], vtmf,
               in_stream[j], out_stream[j]))
                 std::cerr << "Verification failed!" << std::endl;
           private_hand.push(tmcg->TMCG_TypeOfCard(hand[j][k], vtmf),
         for (size_t k = 0; k < hand[i].size(); k++)
           tmcg->TMCG_ProveCardSecret(hand[i][k], vtmf,
             in_stream[i], out_stream[i]);