Theory Group_ZF_2

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theory Group_ZF_2
imports Group_ZF func_ZF EquivClass1

    This file is a part of IsarMathLib - 
    a library of formalized mathematics for Isabelle/Isar (ZF logic).

    Copyright (C) 2005, 2006  Slawomir Kolodynski

    This program is free software; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, 
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header {*\isaheader{Group\_ZF\_2.thy}*}

theory Group_ZF_2 imports Group_ZF func_ZF EquivClass1 


text{*This theory continues Group\_ZF.thy and considers lifting the group 
  structure to function spaces and projecting the group structure to 
  quotient spaces, in particular the quotient qroup.*}

section{*Lifting groups to function spaces*}

text{*If we have a monoid (group) $G$ than we get a monoid (group) 
  structure on a space of functions valued in 
  in $G$ by defining $(f\cdot g)(x) := f(x)\cdot g(x)$. 
  We call this process "lifting the monoid (group) to function space.
  This section formalizes this "lifting".*}

text{*The lifted operation is an operation on the function space.*}

lemma (in monoid0) Group_ZF_2_1_L0A:
  assumes A1: "F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  shows "F : (X->G)×(X->G)->(X->G)"
proof -
  from monoidAsssum have "f : G×G->G"
    using IsAmonoid_def IsAssociative_def by simp;
  with A1 show ?thesis
    using func_ZF_1_L3 group0_1_L3B by auto;

text{*The result of the lifted operation is in the function space.*}

lemma (in monoid0) Group_ZF_2_1_L0: 
  assumes A1:"F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  and A2:"s:X->G" "r:X->G"
  shows "F`<s,r> : X->G"
proof -
  from A1 have "F : (X->G)×(X->G)->(X->G)"
    using Group_ZF_2_1_L0A
    by simp;
  with A2 show ?thesis using apply_funtype
    by simp;
text{*The lifted monoid operation has a neutral element, namely
  the constant function with the neutral element as the value. *}

lemma (in monoid0) Group_ZF_2_1_L1: 
  assumes A1: "F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  and A2: "E = ConstantFunction(X,TheNeutralElement(G,f))"
  shows "E : X->G ∧ (∀s∈X->G. F`<E,s> = s ∧ F`<s,E> = s)"
  from A2 show T1:"E : X->G"
    using group0_1_L3 func1_3_L1 by simp;
  show "∀s∈X->G. F`<E,s> = s ∧ F`<s,E> = s"
    fix s assume A3:"s:X->G"
    from monoidAsssum have T2:"f : G×G->G"
      using IsAmonoid_def IsAssociative_def by simp;
    from A3 A1 T1 have 
      "F`<E,s> : X->G" "F`<s,E> : X->G" "s : X->G"
      using Group_ZF_2_1_L0 by auto;
    moreover from T2 A1 T1 A2 A3 have
      "∀x∈X. (F`<E,s>)`(x) = s`(x)"
      "∀x∈X. (F`<s,E>)`(x) = s`(x)"
      using func_ZF_1_L4 group0_1_L3B func1_3_L2 
        apply_type group0_1_L3 by auto;
    ultimately show 
      "F`<E,s> = s ∧ F`<s,E> = s"
      using fun_extension_iff by auto;

text{*Monoids can be lifted to a function space.*}

lemma (in monoid0) Group_ZF_2_1_T1: 
  assumes A1:"F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  shows "IsAmonoid(X->G,F)"
proof -;
  from monoidAsssum A1 have 
    "F {is associative on} (X->G)"
    using IsAmonoid_def func_ZF_2_L4 group0_1_L3B
    by auto;
  moreover from A1 have 
    "∃ E ∈ X->G. ∀s ∈ X->G. F`<E,s> = s ∧ F`<s,E> = s"
    using Group_ZF_2_1_L1 by blast;
  ultimately show ?thesis using IsAmonoid_def
    by simp

text{*The constant function with the neutral element as the value is the
  neutral element of the lifted monoid.*}

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L2:
  assumes A1:"IsAmonoid(G,f)"
  and A2:"F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  and A3:"E = ConstantFunction(X,TheNeutralElement(G,f))"
  shows "E = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)"
proof - 
  from A1 A2 have 
     T1:"monoid0(G,f)" and T2:"monoid0(X->G,F)"
    using monoid0_def monoid0.Group_ZF_2_1_T1
    by auto;
  from T1 A2 A3 have 
    "E : X->G ∧ (∀s∈X->G. F`<E,s> = s ∧ F`<s,E> = s)"
    using monoid0.Group_ZF_2_1_L1 by simp;
  with T2 show ?thesis
    using monoid0.group0_1_L4 by auto;

text{*The lifted operation acts on the functions in a natural way defined
  by the group operation.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_1_L3:
  assumes A1:"F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  and A2:"s:X->G" "r:X->G"
  and A3:"x∈X"
  shows "(F`<s,r>)`(x) = s`(x)·r`(x)"
proof -;
  from groupAssum A1 A2 A3 show ?thesis
     using IsAgroup_def IsAmonoid_def IsAssociative_def
      group0_2_L1 monoid0.group0_1_L3B func_ZF_1_L4
     by auto;
text{*In the group0 context we can apply theorems proven in monoid0 context
  to the lifted monoid.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_1_L4:
  assumes A1:"F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  shows "monoid0(X->G,F)"
proof -;
  from A1 show ?thesis
    using group0_2_L1 monoid0.Group_ZF_2_1_T1 monoid0_def
    by simp;

text{*The compostion of a function $f:X\rightarrow G$ with the group inverse
  is a right inverse for the lifted group. Recall that in the group0 context
  $e$ is the neutral element of the group.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_1_L5: 
  assumes A1: "F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  and A2: "s : X->G"
  and A3: "i = GroupInv(G,f) O s"
  shows "i: X->G" "F`<s,i> = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)"
proof -;
  let ?E = "ConstantFunction(X,\<one>)"
  have "?E : X->G" 
    using group0_2_L2 func1_3_L1 by simp;
  moreover from groupAssum A2 A3 A1 have
    "F`<s,i> :  X->G" using group0_2_T2 comp_fun 
      Group_ZF_2_1_L4 monoid0.group0_1_L1
    by simp;
  moreover from groupAssum A2 A3 A1 have 
    "∀x∈X. (F`<s,i>)`(x) = ?E`(x)"
    using group0_2_T2 comp_fun Group_ZF_2_1_L3 
      comp_fun_apply apply_funtype group0_2_L6 func1_3_L2
    by simp;
  moreover from groupAssum A1 have
    "?E = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)"
    using IsAgroup_def Group_ZF_2_1_L2 by simp;
  ultimately show "F`<s,i> = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)"
    using fun_extension_iff IsAgroup_def Group_ZF_2_1_L2
    by simp
  from groupAssum A2 A3 show "i: X->G" 
    using group0_2_T2 comp_fun by simp

text{*Groups can be lifted to the function space.*}

theorem (in group0) Group_ZF_2_1_T2:
  assumes A1: "F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  shows "IsAgroup(X->G,F)"
proof -;
  from A1 have "IsAmonoid(X->G,F)"
    using group0_2_L1 monoid0.Group_ZF_2_1_T1
    by simp;
  moreover have 
    "∀s∈X->G. ∃i∈X->G. F`<s,i> = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)"
    fix s assume A2: "s : X->G"
    let ?i = "GroupInv(G,f) O s"
    from groupAssum A2 have "?i:X->G"
      using group0_2_T2 comp_fun by simp;
    moreover from A1 A2 have 
      "F`<s,?i> = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)"
      using Group_ZF_2_1_L5 by fast;
   ultimately show "∃i∈X->G. F`<s,i> = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)" 
      by auto;
  ultimately show ?thesis using IsAgroup_def
    by simp;

text{*What is the group inverse for the lifted group?*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_1_L6: 
  assumes A1: "F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  shows "∀s∈(X->G). GroupInv(X->G,F)`(s) = GroupInv(G,f) O s"
proof -;
  from A1 have  "group0(X->G,F)"
    using group0_def Group_ZF_2_1_T2 
    by simp;
  moreover from A1 have "∀s∈X->G. GroupInv(G,f) O s : X->G ∧ 
    F`<s,GroupInv(G,f) O s> = TheNeutralElement(X->G,F)"
    using Group_ZF_2_1_L5 by simp;
  ultimately have 
    "∀s∈(X->G).  GroupInv(G,f) O s = GroupInv(X->G,F)`(s)"
    by (rule group0.group0_2_L9A);
  thus ?thesis by simp;

text{*What is the group inverse in a subgroup of the lifted group?*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_1_L6A:
  assumes A1: "F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  and A2: "IsAsubgroup(H,F)"
  and A3: "g = restrict(F,H×H)"
  and A4: "s∈H"
  shows "GroupInv(H,g)`(s) = GroupInv(G,f) O s"
proof -;
  from A1 have T1: "group0(X->G,F)"
    using group0_def Group_ZF_2_1_T2 
    by simp;
  with A2 A3 A4 have "GroupInv(H,g)`(s) = GroupInv(X->G,F)`(s)"
    using group0.group0_3_T1 restrict by simp;
  moreover from T1 A1 A2 A4 have
    "GroupInv(X->G,F)`(s) = GroupInv(G,f) O s"
    using group0.group0_3_L2 Group_ZF_2_1_L6 by blast;
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp;

text{*If a group is abelian, then its lift to a function space is also 

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_1_L7: 
  assumes A1: "F = f {lifted to function space over} X"
  and A2: "f {is commutative on} G"
  shows "F {is commutative on} (X->G)"
  from A1 A2  have
    "F {is commutative on} (X->range(f))"
    using group_oper_assocA func_ZF_2_L2
    by simp;
  moreover from groupAssum have "range(f) = G"
    using group0_2_L1 monoid0.group0_1_L3B
    by simp;
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp;
section{*Equivalence relations on groups*}

text{*The goal of this section is to establish that (under some conditions) 
  given an equivalence
  relation on a group or (monoid )we can project the group (monoid)
  structure on the quotient and obtain another group.*}

text{*The neutral element class is neutral in the projection.*}

lemma (in monoid0) Group_ZF_2_2_L1: 
  assumes A1: "equiv(G,r)" and A2:"Congruent2(r,f)"
  and A3: "F = ProjFun2(G,r,f)" 
  and A4: "e = TheNeutralElement(G,f)"
  shows "r``{e} ∈ G//r ∧ 
  (∀c ∈ G//r. F`<r``{e},c> = c ∧  F`<c,r``{e}> = c)"
  from A4 show T1:"r``{e} ∈ G//r"
    using group0_1_L3 quotientI
    by simp;
    "∀c ∈ G//r. F`<r``{e},c> = c ∧  F`<c,r``{e}> = c"
    fix c assume A5:"c ∈ G//r"
    then obtain g where D1:"g∈G" "c = r``{g}"
      using quotient_def by auto
    with A1 A2 A3 A4 D1 show 
      "F`<r``{e},c> = c ∧  F`<c,r``{e}> = c"
      using group0_1_L3 EquivClass_1_L10 group0_1_L3
      by simp;

text{*The projected structure is a monoid.*}

theorem (in monoid0) Group_ZF_2_2_T1:
  assumes A1: "equiv(G,r)" and A2: "Congruent2(r,f)"
  and A3: "F = ProjFun2(G,r,f)"
  shows "IsAmonoid(G//r,F)"
proof -
  let ?E = "r``{TheNeutralElement(G,f)}"
  from A1 A2 A3 have 
    "?E ∈ G//r ∧ (∀c∈G//r. F`<?E,c> = c ∧ F`<c,?E> = c)"
    using Group_ZF_2_2_L1 by simp;
    "∃E∈G//r. ∀ c∈G//r. F`<E,c> = c ∧ F`<c,E> = c"
    by auto;
  with monoidAsssum A1 A2 A3 show ?thesis
    using IsAmonoid_def EquivClass_2_T2
    by simp;

text{*The class of the neutral element is the neutral element of the
  projected monoid.*}

lemma Group_ZF_2_2_L1:
  assumes A1: "IsAmonoid(G,f)"
  and A2: "equiv(G,r)" and A3: "Congruent2(r,f)"
  and A4: "F = ProjFun2(G,r,f)"
  and A5: "e = TheNeutralElement(G,f)"
  shows " r``{e} = TheNeutralElement(G//r,F)"
proof -;
  from A1 A2 A3 A4 have 
    T1:"monoid0(G,f)" and T2:"monoid0(G//r,F)"
    using monoid0_def monoid0.Group_ZF_2_2_T1 by auto;
  from T1 A2 A3 A4 A5 have "r``{e} ∈ G//r ∧ 
    (∀c ∈ G//r. F`<r``{e},c> = c ∧  F`<c,r``{e}> = c)"
    using monoid0.Group_ZF_2_2_L1 by simp;
  with T2 show ?thesis using monoid0.group0_1_L4
    by auto;

text{*The projected operation can be defined in terms of the group operation
  on representants in a natural way.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_2_L2:
  assumes A1: "equiv(G,r)" and A2: "Congruent2(r,f)"
  and A3: "F = ProjFun2(G,r,f)"
  and A4: "a∈G" "b∈G"
  shows "F`<r``{a},r``{b}> = r``{a·b}"
proof -;
  from A1 A2 A3 A4 show ?thesis
    using EquivClass_1_L10 by simp;

text{*The class of the inverse is a right inverse of the class.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_2_L3:
  assumes A1: "equiv(G,r)" and A2: "Congruent2(r,f)"
  and A3: "F = ProjFun2(G,r,f)"
  and A4: "a∈G"
  shows "F`⟨r``{a},r``{a¯}⟩ = TheNeutralElement(G//r,F)"
proof -;
  from A1 A2 A3 A4 have
    "F`⟨r``{a},r``{a¯}⟩ = r``{\<one>}"
    using inverse_in_group Group_ZF_2_2_L2 group0_2_L6 
    by simp;
  with groupAssum A1 A2 A3 show ?thesis
    using IsAgroup_def Group_ZF_2_2_L1 by simp;

text{*The group structure can be projected to the quotient space.*}

theorem (in group0) Group_ZF_3_T2:
  assumes A1: "equiv(G,r)" and A2: "Congruent2(r,f)"
  shows "IsAgroup(G//r,ProjFun2(G,r,f))"
proof -;
  let ?F = "ProjFun2(G,r,f)"
  let ?E = "TheNeutralElement(G//r,?F)"
  from groupAssum A1 A2 have "IsAmonoid(G//r,?F)"
    using IsAgroup_def monoid0_def monoid0.Group_ZF_2_2_T1
    by simp;
  moreover have
    "∀c∈G//r. ∃b∈G//r. ?F`<c,b> = ?E"
    fix c assume A3: "c ∈ G//r"
    then obtain g where D1: "g∈G"  "c = r``{g}"
      using quotient_def by auto;
    let ?b = "r``{g¯}"
    from D1 have "?b ∈ G//r"
      using inverse_in_group quotientI
      by simp;
    moreover from A1 A2 D1 have 
      "?F`<c,?b> = ?E"
      using Group_ZF_2_2_L3 by simp;
    ultimately show "∃b∈G//r. ?F`<c,b> = ?E"
      by auto;
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using IsAgroup_def by simp;

text{*The group inverse (in the projected group) of a class is the class
  of the inverse.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_2_L4:
  assumes A1: "equiv(G,r)" and 
  A2: "Congruent2(r,f)" and 
  A3: "F = ProjFun2(G,r,f)" and
  A4: "a∈G"
  shows "r``{a¯} = GroupInv(G//r,F)`(r``{a})"
proof -
  from A1 A2 A3 have "group0(G//r,F)"
    using Group_ZF_3_T2 group0_def by simp;
  moreover from A4 have 
    "r``{a} ∈ G//r"  "r``{a¯} ∈ G//r"
    using inverse_in_group quotientI by auto;
  moreover from A1 A2 A3 A4 have
     "F`⟨r``{a},r``{a¯}⟩ = TheNeutralElement(G//r,F)"
    using Group_ZF_2_2_L3 by simp;
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (rule group0.group0_2_L9);

section{*Normal subgroups and quotient groups*}

text{*A normal subgrup $N$ of a group $G$ is such that $aba^{-1}$ belongs to 
  $N$ if $a\in G, b\in N$. Having a group and a normal subgroup $N$ 
  we can create another group
  consisting of eqivalence classes of the relation 
  $a\sim b \equiv a\cdot b^{-1} \in N$.  We will refer to this relation
  as the quotient group relation.*}

  "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,N) ≡ IsAsubgroup(N,f) ∧ 
  (∀n∈N.∀g∈G. f`< f`< g,n >,GroupInv(G,f)`(g) > ∈ N)"

  "QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H) ≡ 
  {<a,b> ∈ G×G. f`<a, GroupInv(G,f)`(b)> ∈ H}"

  "QuotientGroupOp(G,f,H) ≡ ProjFun2(G,QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H ),f)";

text{*Definition of a normal subgroup in a more readable notation.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L0: 
  assumes "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)"
  and "g∈G" "n∈H"
  shows "g·n·g¯ ∈ H"
  using prems IsAnormalSubgroup_def by simp;

text{*The quotient group relation is reflexive.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L1: 
  assumes "IsAsubgroup(H,f)"
  shows "refl(G,QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H))"
  using prems  group0_2_L6 group0_3_L5 
    QuotientGroupRel_def refl_def by simp;

text{*The quotient group relation is symmetric.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L2:
  assumes A1:"IsAsubgroup(H,f)"
  shows "sym(QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H))"
proof -;
    fix a b assume A2: "<a,b> ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
    with A1 have "(a·b¯)¯ ∈ H" 
      using QuotientGroupRel_def group0_3_T3A
      by simp;
    moreover from A2 have "(a·b¯)¯ =  b·a¯"
      using QuotientGroupRel_def group0_2_L12
      by simp;
    ultimately have "b·a¯ ∈ H" by simp;
    with A2 have "<b,a> ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
      using QuotientGroupRel_def by simp 
  then show ?thesis using symI by simp;

text{*The quotient group relation is transistive.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L3A:
  assumes A1: "IsAsubgroup(H,f)" and 
  A2: "<a,b> ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)" and 
  A3: "<b,c> ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
  shows "<a,c> ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
proof -;
  let ?r = "QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
  from A2 A3 have T1:"a∈G" "b∈G" "c∈G"
    using QuotientGroupRel_def by auto
  from A1 A2 A3 have "(a·b¯)·(b·c¯) ∈ H"
    using  QuotientGroupRel_def group0_3_L6
    by simp;
  moreover from T1 have 
    "a·c¯ = (a·b¯)·(b·c¯)"
    using group0_2_L14A by blast;
  ultimately have "a·c¯ ∈ H" 
    by simp;
  with T1 show ?thesis using QuotientGroupRel_def
    by simp;

text{*The quotient group relation is an equivalence relation. Note
  we do not need the subgroup to be normal for this to be true.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L3: assumes A1:"IsAsubgroup(H,f)"
  shows "equiv(G,QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H))"
proof -;
  let ?r = "QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
  from A1 have 
     "∀a b c. (⟨a, b⟩ ∈ ?r  ∧  ⟨b, c⟩ ∈ ?r --> ⟨a, c⟩ ∈ ?r)"
    using Group_ZF_2_4_L3A by blast;
  then have "trans(?r)"
    using Fol1_L2 by blast;
  with A1 show ?thesis 
    using Group_ZF_2_4_L1 Group_ZF_2_4_L2 
      QuotientGroupRel_def equiv_def
    by auto;

text{*The next lemma states the essential condition for congruency of 
  the group operation with respect to the quotient group relation.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L4: 
  assumes A1:"IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)"
  and A2:"⟨a1,a2⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
  and A3:"⟨b1,b2⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
  shows "⟨a1·b1, a2·b2⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
proof -;
  from A2 A3 have T1:
    "a1∈G"  "a2∈G"  "b1∈G"  "b2∈G"
    "a1·b1 ∈ G"  "a2·b2 ∈ G"
    "b1·b2¯ ∈ H"  "a1·a2¯ ∈ H"
    using QuotientGroupRel_def group0_2_L1 monoid0.group0_1_L1
    by auto;
  with A1 show ?thesis using
    IsAnormalSubgroup_def group0_3_L6 group0_2_L15
    QuotientGroupRel_def by simp;

text{*If the subgroup is normal, the group operation is congruent 
  with respect to the quotient group relation.*}

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5A:
  assumes "IsAgroup(G,f)"
  and "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)" 
  shows "Congruent2(QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H),f)"
  using prems group0_def group0.Group_ZF_2_4_L4 Congruent2_def
  by simp;

text{*The quotient group is indeed a group.*}

theorem Group_ZF_2_4_T1:
  assumes "IsAgroup(G,f)" and "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)"
  using prems group0_def group0.Group_ZF_2_4_L3 IsAnormalSubgroup_def
    Group_ZF_2_4_L5A group0.Group_ZF_3_T2 QuotientGroupOp_def
  by simp;

text{*The class (coset)of the neutral element is the neutral
  element of the quotient group.*}

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5B: 
  assumes "IsAgroup(G,f)" and "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)"
  and "r = QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
  and "e = TheNeutralElement(G,f)"
  shows " r``{e} = TheNeutralElement(G//r,QuotientGroupOp(G,f,H))"
  using prems IsAnormalSubgroup_def group0_def
    IsAgroup_def group0.Group_ZF_2_4_L3 Group_ZF_2_4_L5A
    QuotientGroupOp_def Group_ZF_2_2_L1
  by simp;

text{*A group element is equivalent to the neutral element iff it is in the
  subgroup we divide the group by.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L5C: assumes "a∈G"
  shows "⟨a,\<one>⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H) <-> a∈H"
  using prems QuotientGroupRel_def group_inv_of_one group0_2_L2
  by auto;

text{*A group element is in $H$ iff its class is the neutral element of

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L5D:
  assumes A1: "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)" and 
  A2: "a∈G" and 
  A3: "r = QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)" and
  A4: "TheNeutralElement(G//r,QuotientGroupOp(G,f,H)) = e"
  shows "r``{a} = e <-> ⟨a,\<one>⟩ ∈ r"
  assume "r``{a} = e"
  with groupAssum prems have 
    "r``{\<one>} = r``{a}" and I: "equiv(G,r)"
    using Group_ZF_2_4_L5B IsAnormalSubgroup_def Group_ZF_2_4_L3
    by auto;
  with A2 have "⟨\<one>,a⟩ ∈ r" using eq_equiv_class 
    by simp;
  with I show "⟨a,\<one>⟩ ∈ r" by (rule equiv_is_sym);
next assume "⟨a,\<one>⟩ ∈ r"
  moreover from A1 A3 have "equiv(G,r)"
    using IsAnormalSubgroup_def Group_ZF_2_4_L3
    by simp;
  ultimately have "r``{a} = r``{\<one>}"
    using equiv_class_eq by simp;
  with groupAssum A1 A3 A4 show "r``{a} = e"
    using Group_ZF_2_4_L5B by simp;
text{*The class of $a\in G$ is the neutral 
  element of the quotient $G/H$ iff $a\in H$.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L5E: 
  assumes "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)" and 
  "a∈G" and "r = QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)" and 
  "TheNeutralElement(G//r,QuotientGroupOp(G,f,H)) = e"
  shows "r``{a} = e <-> a∈H"
  using prems Group_ZF_2_4_L5C  Group_ZF_2_4_L5D
  by simp;

text{*Essential condition to show that every subgroup of an abelian group 
  is normal.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L5:
  assumes A1:"f {is commutative on} G" 
  and A2:"IsAsubgroup(H,f)"
  and A3:"g∈G" "h∈H" 
  shows "g·h·g¯ ∈ H"
proof -;
  from A2 A3 have T1:"h∈G" "g¯ ∈ G" 
    using group0_3_L2 inverse_in_group by auto;
  with A3 A1 have "g·h·g¯ = g¯·g·h"
    using group0_4_L4A by simp;
  with A3 T1 show ?thesis using
    group0_2_L6 group0_2_L2
    by simp;

text{*Every subgroup of an abelian group is normal. Moreover, the quotient
  group is also abelian.*}

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L6:
  assumes A1: "IsAgroup(G,f)"
  and A2: "f {is commutative on} G" 
  and A3: "IsAsubgroup(H,f)"
  shows  "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)"
  "QuotientGroupOp(G,f,H) {is commutative on} (G//QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H))"
proof -;
  from A1 A2 A3 show T1: "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)" using
    group0_def IsAnormalSubgroup_def group0.Group_ZF_2_4_L5 
    by simp;
  let ?r = "QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)"
  from A1 A3 T1 have "equiv(G,?r)" "Congruent2(?r,f)"
    using group0_def group0.Group_ZF_2_4_L3 Group_ZF_2_4_L5A
    by auto;
  with A2 show 
    "QuotientGroupOp(G,f,H) {is commutative on} (G//QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H))"
    using EquivClass_2_T1 QuotientGroupOp_def
    by simp;

text{*The group inverse (in the quotient group) of a class (coset) is the class
  of the inverse.*}

lemma (in group0) Group_ZF_2_4_L7: 
  assumes "IsAnormalSubgroup(G,f,H)" 
  and "a∈G" and "r = QuotientGroupRel(G,f,H)" 
  and "F = QuotientGroupOp(G,f,H)"
  shows "r``{a¯} = GroupInv(G//r,F)`(r``{a})"
  using groupAssum prems IsAnormalSubgroup_def Group_ZF_2_4_L3 
    Group_ZF_2_4_L5A QuotientGroupOp_def Group_ZF_2_2_L4
  by simp;

section{*Function spaces as monoids*}

text{*On every space of functions $\{f : X\rightarrow X\}$ 
  we can define a natural 
  monoid structure with composition as the operation. This section explores 
  this fact.*}

text{*The next lemma states that composition has a neutral element, 
  namely the identity function on $X$ 
  (the one that maps $x\in X$ into itself).*}
lemma Group_ZF_2_5_L1: assumes A1: "F = Composition(X)"
  shows "∃I∈(X->X). ∀f∈(X->X). F`<I,f> = f ∧ F`<f,I> = f"
  let ?I = "id(X)"
  from A1 have 
    "?I ∈ X->X ∧ (∀f∈(X->X). F`<?I,f> = f ∧ F`<f,?I> = f)" 
    using id_type func_ZF_6_L1A by simp;
  thus ?thesis by auto;

text{*The space of functions that map a set $X$ into 
  itsef is a monoid with composition as operation and the identity function
  as the neutral element.*}

lemma Group_ZF_2_5_L2: shows
  "id(X) = TheNeutralElement(X->X,Composition(X))"
proof -;
  let ?I = "id(X)"
  let ?F = "Composition(X)"
  show "IsAmonoid(X->X,Composition(X))" 
    using func_ZF_5_L5 Group_ZF_2_5_L1 IsAmonoid_def
    by auto;  
  then have "monoid0(X->X,?F)"
    using monoid0_def by simp;
  moreover have
    "?I ∈ X->X ∧ (∀f∈(X->X). ?F`<?I,f> = f ∧ ?F`<f,?I> = f)"
    using id_type func_ZF_6_L1A by simp;
  ultimately show "?I = TheNeutralElement(X->X,?F)"
    using monoid0.group0_1_L4 by auto;

text{*This concludes @{text "Group_ZF_2"} theory.*}


Lifting groups to function spaces

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L0A:

  [| monoid0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X |]
  ==> F ∈ (X -> G) × (X -> G) -> X -> G

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L0:

  [| monoid0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X; sX -> G;
     rX -> G |]
  ==> F ` ⟨s, r⟩ ∈ X -> G

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L1:

  [| monoid0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X;
     E = ConstantFunction(X, TheNeutralElement(G, f)) |]
  ==> EX -> G ∧ (∀sX -> G. F ` ⟨E, s⟩ = sF ` ⟨s, E⟩ = s)

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_T1:

  [| monoid0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X |]
  ==> IsAmonoid(X -> G, F)

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L2:

  [| IsAmonoid(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X;
     E = ConstantFunction(X, TheNeutralElement(G, f)) |]
  ==> E = TheNeutralElement(X -> G, F)

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L3:

  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X; sX -> G;
     rX -> G; xX |]
  ==> F ` ⟨s, r⟩ ` x = f ` ⟨s ` x, r ` x

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L4:

  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X |]
  ==> monoid0(X -> G, F)

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L5:

  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X; sX -> G;
     i = GroupInv(G, f) O s |]
  ==> iX -> G
  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X; sX -> G;
     i = GroupInv(G, f) O s |]
  ==> F ` ⟨s, i⟩ = TheNeutralElement(X -> G, F)

theorem Group_ZF_2_1_T2:

  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X |]
  ==> IsAgroup(X -> G, F)

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L6:

  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X |]
  ==> ∀sX -> G. GroupInv(X -> G, F) ` s = GroupInv(G, f) O s

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L6A:

  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X; IsAsubgroup(H, F);
     g = restrict(F, H × H); sH |]
  ==> GroupInv(H, g) ` s = GroupInv(G, f) O s

lemma Group_ZF_2_1_L7:

  [| group0(G, f); F = f {lifted to function space over} X;
     f {is commutative on} G |]
  ==> F {is commutative on} (X -> G)

Equivalence relations on groups

lemma Group_ZF_2_2_L1:

  [| monoid0(G, f); equiv(G, r); Congruent2(r, f); F = ProjFun2(G, r, f);
     e = TheNeutralElement(G, f) |]
  ==> r `` {e} ∈ G // r ∧
      (∀cG // r. F ` ⟨r `` {e}, c⟩ = cF ` ⟨c, r `` {e}⟩ = c)

theorem Group_ZF_2_2_T1:

  [| monoid0(G, f); equiv(G, r); Congruent2(r, f); F = ProjFun2(G, r, f) |]
  ==> IsAmonoid(G // r, F)

lemma Group_ZF_2_2_L1:

  [| IsAmonoid(G, f); equiv(G, r); Congruent2(r, f); F = ProjFun2(G, r, f);
     e = TheNeutralElement(G, f) |]
  ==> r `` {e} = TheNeutralElement(G // r, F)

lemma Group_ZF_2_2_L2:

  [| group0(G, f); equiv(G, r); Congruent2(r, f); F = ProjFun2(G, r, f); aG;
     bG |]
  ==> F ` ⟨r `` {a}, r `` {b}⟩ = r `` {f ` ⟨a, b⟩}

lemma Group_ZF_2_2_L3:

  [| group0(G, f); equiv(G, r); Congruent2(r, f); F = ProjFun2(G, r, f); aG |]
  ==> F ` ⟨r `` {a}, r `` {GroupInv(G, f) ` a}⟩ = TheNeutralElement(G // r, F)

theorem Group_ZF_3_T2:

  [| group0(G, f); equiv(G, r); Congruent2(r, f) |]
  ==> IsAgroup(G // r, ProjFun2(G, r, f))

lemma Group_ZF_2_2_L4:

  [| group0(G, f); equiv(G, r); Congruent2(r, f); F = ProjFun2(G, r, f); aG |]
  ==> r `` {GroupInv(G, f) ` a} = GroupInv(G // r, F) ` (r `` {a})

Normal subgroups and quotient groups

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L0:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H); gG; nH |]
  ==> f ` ⟨f ` ⟨g, n⟩, GroupInv(G, f) ` g⟩ ∈ H

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L1:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAsubgroup(H, f) |] ==> refl(G, QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H))

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L2:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAsubgroup(H, f) |] ==> sym(QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H))

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L3A:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAsubgroup(H, f); ⟨a, b⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H);
     ⟨b, c⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H) |]
  ==> ⟨a, c⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H)

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L3:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAsubgroup(H, f) |] ==> equiv(G, QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H))

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L4:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H);
     ⟨a1.0, a2.0⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H);
     ⟨b1.0, b2.0⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H) |]
  ==> ⟨f ` ⟨a1.0, b1.0⟩, f ` ⟨a2.0, b2.0⟩⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H)

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5A:

  [| IsAgroup(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H) |]
  ==> Congruent2(QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H), f)

theorem Group_ZF_2_4_T1:

  [| IsAgroup(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H) |]
  ==> IsAgroup(G // QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H), QuotientGroupOp(G, f, H))

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5B:

  [| IsAgroup(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H); r = QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H);
     e = TheNeutralElement(G, f) |]
  ==> r `` {e} = TheNeutralElement(G // r, QuotientGroupOp(G, f, H))

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5C:

  [| group0(G, f); aG |]
  ==> ⟨a, TheNeutralElement(G, f)⟩ ∈ QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H) <-> aH

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5D:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H); aG;
     r = QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H);
     TheNeutralElement(G // r, QuotientGroupOp(G, f, H)) = e |]
  ==> r `` {a} = e <-> ⟨a, TheNeutralElement(G, f)⟩ ∈ r

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5E:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H); aG;
     r = QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H);
     TheNeutralElement(G // r, QuotientGroupOp(G, f, H)) = e |]
  ==> r `` {a} = e <-> aH

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L5:

  [| group0(G, f); f {is commutative on} G; IsAsubgroup(H, f); gG; hH |]
  ==> f ` ⟨f ` ⟨g, h⟩, GroupInv(G, f) ` g⟩ ∈ H

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L6:

  [| IsAgroup(G, f); f {is commutative on} G; IsAsubgroup(H, f) |]
  ==> IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H)
  [| IsAgroup(G, f); f {is commutative on} G; IsAsubgroup(H, f) |]
  ==> QuotientGroupOp(G, f, H) {is commutative on} G // QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H)

lemma Group_ZF_2_4_L7:

  [| group0(G, f); IsAnormalSubgroup(G, f, H); aG;
     r = QuotientGroupRel(G, f, H); F = QuotientGroupOp(G, f, H) |]
  ==> r `` {GroupInv(G, f) ` a} = GroupInv(G // r, F) ` (r `` {a})

Function spaces as monoids

lemma Group_ZF_2_5_L1:

  F = Composition(X) ==> ∃IX -> X. ∀fX -> X. F ` ⟨I, f⟩ = fF ` ⟨f, I⟩ = f

lemma Group_ZF_2_5_L2:

  IsAmonoid(X -> X, Composition(X))
  id(X) = TheNeutralElement(X -> X, Composition(X))