Leverlåda is an X-Chat perl script to retrieve files from FSERVEs running on IRC. This script is useful when lots of fserves are offering something and you get bored of waiting and hitting a zillion triggers. In addition, Fserves tend to come and go capriciously, and queues are full most of the time. Leverlåda tries to automate the locating and receiving of files, enabling you to spend your time on something more useful.
Check Sourceforge to download the newest Leverlåda version.
NOTE: Not even the released versions might be entirely bug-free. If you like, you can download the current leve development version from CVS. It probably has some old bugs squashed and new bugs introduced. The command is
$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/pimppa co leverloda
There's also a Leverlåda related mailing list available. Please send all comments, bug reports etc. there.