[GEMS logotype]

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Cette page concerne GEMS, un modeleur 3D visant les applications mécaniques comme l'analyse de structures et la conception. Cependant, GEMS peut être utilisé comme un modeleur conventionnel.

Table des matières

Introduction to GEMS

Que veut dire GEMS ?
GEMS signifie GNU Extensible Modeling System.

GEMS is nowadays in its early stage of design but a shared library has already been written. This library called the "GEMS-CoreGeometry Library" is in a test/improvements phase, so it is not possible to download anything already.

For those who can't wait to see how it looks like, here are some screenshots of the library running OpenGL. You'll also find on this page a link to the report I wrote for this work ... that is in French ! I plan to translate it as soon as possible, but it quite long (the reference is more than 100 a4 pages).

Downloading GEMS

FOO can be found on or one of the mirrors.

Yours sincerly,

The GEMS maintener : <[email protected]>

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Updated: 26 Jul 2000 tower