Download latest version from the gnome FTP, or visit the download page for other versions, or information about downloading from SVN. The download page also contains some links to binary packages not maintained by the authors of this project.
Gnome Commander is a free program, released under the GPL licence.
GNOME Commander is a "two-pane" graphical filemanager for the Gnome desktop environment. GNOME Commander aims to fulfill the demands of more advanced users who like to focus on file management, their work through special applications and running smart commands. Take a look at the screenshots, images tell a lot.
Read more About Gnome Commander below.
The Gnome Commander code has now begun a migration from C to C++. Both the HEAD and 1.3 devel branch are now initially migrated and seemes to be working quite allright. Seen from a user perspective this migration is not supposed to change anything, the change is done due to coding reasons. Tests and bugreports on the GCMD SVN code are of course, as usual, much appreciated. Further info on how to download the source from SVN can be found on our Development page, but remember that this unreleased SVN code is to be considered unstable and only for testing purposes.
Gnome Commander has now found its way into the Fedora "Extras" repositry. Users of Fedora 5 and 6 has now got convienient official binary Fedora packages to install from, available for the architechtures i386, x86_64 and ppc. The authors of Gnome Commander thanks the team behind Fedora, and wish them a happy 2007.
Fastest new release so far ... This is a bug fix to the problem introduced in the yeasterday release 1.2.2. Please upgrade to this latest one where this bug 384752 - Permissions for new dirs is fixed (we hope that not too many of you had time to upgrade to 1.2.2, sorry for the inconvenience).
In the unstable branch the team behind GCMD are now experimenting with python plugins that users can drop in the ~/.gnome-commander/plugins directory. The work on supporting meta-data also continues. The plan is to add this functionality to the searchtool, custom columns and the internal viewer. The TODO file gives a hint on what we are working on, or like to work on, and maybe appreciate some community efforts on. Users and developers are as usual welcome to contact us, ask questions and discuss the development on our mailinglists.
Gnome Commander is a free two pane filemanager in the tradition of Norton and Midnight Commander, it is built on the GTK-toolkit and GnomeVFS. Gnome Commander aims to fulfill the demands of more advanced users who like to focus on file management, their work through special applications and running smart commands. This program is not aimed at users wanting the weather forecast in a sidebar in their filemanager...
The authors of the GNOME Commander project.
If you like to get in contact with us behind the project, then you can drop a mail to one of our mailing lists or contact the developers above directly.
If you found a bug, please report that on our bugzilla at, there you can also check if it is already reported, maybe even fixed in SVN. If you have something to say about this website, then contact Magnus Stålnacke the author of these webpages.