Previous: Creating a Wrapper Module, Up: Usage
Though G-Wrap already provides a number of wrapped types in the standard wrapset, there will be many cases where you will need to define your own wrapped types.
As an example, let's presume someone has added a fine-grained, wide ranging, time type to miscutils along with a function that uses that type like this:
FIXME: Add an overview of how G-Wrap thinks about types – i.e. using a template-like process with ccodegens inserting content in important places.
typedef struct { long long seconds; long int nanoseconds; } Timespec64; Timespec64 elapsed_time(Timespec64 start, Timespec64 finish);
and let's further presume that we've decided that you want to represent
values on the scheme side using a cons pair where the
car will be the seconds and the cdr will be the
Since you've decided to use a native Scheme representation for the type, you'll want to define it as an instance of the G-Wrap "normal" or "native" wrapper type. This primarily involves telling G-Wrap how to translate from the C representation of the type to the Scheme representation and vice-versa.
The way you do this, is by declaring your new wrapped type and specifying a set of C-code generator functions (or "codegens") that will handle producing the C code inside your function wrappers that will handle the translations.
The first thing you need for your new type is a G-Wrap name. For this
example, we'll use timespec64
To begin, you have to define a new class for your type. We derive it
from <gw-type>
(define-class <timespec64-type> (<gw-type>))
Then you can add your new type to your wrapset. Presume that the
following code is inside the body of the initialize
method of
our previous examples; i.e. ws
is bound to the miscutils
wrapset you're creating.
(add-type! ws (make <timespec64-type> #:name 'timespec64))
We also specialize c-type-name
for our type, so G-Wrap knows
about the C name of the type:
(define-method (c-type-name (type <timespec64-type>) (typespec <gw-typespec>)) "Timespec64")
In order to make this type useful, you have to define some relevant codegen methods. Let's start with one that will tell G-Wrap how to “unwrap” instances of this type that are passed in as arguments from the Scheme side.
(define-method (unwrap-value-cg (type <timespec64-type>) (value <gw-value>) error-var) (list "if (SCM_FALSEP(msu_scm_timespec64_p(" (scm-var value) ")))" `(gw:error ,error-var type ,(wrapped-var value)) "else\n" " " (var value) " = msu_timespec64_to_c(" (scm-var value) ");\n"))
A codegen returns a list where each element in the list may either be a sub-list or a string, basically a tree of strings. In the end, this list will be flattened into one long string and inserted into the C code being generated for the wrapper module.
The unwrap-value-cg
is called with the type that should be
“unwrapped”, the actual value, which consists of a Scheme and a C
variable. As you can see this codegen grabs the Scheme name and the C
names of the value and then assignes the C value to be the result of
converting the scheme value with the hypothetical
The list produced by unwrap-value-cg
contains a special
sublist, starting with gw:error
. This indicates a failure
condition, which is checked in the generated code and acted upon
properly (i.e. raising an “argument type” error).
The above codegen presumes that the C function
has been defined and returns non-zero if
the given SCM is a pair and both elements are integers.
At this point G-Wrap knows how to convert and incoming Scheme
arguments, but it doesn't know how to convert from C values to Scheme,
which is needed if you return a Timespec64. To teach it, you need to
define the wrap-value-cg
for <timespec64-type>
, which
has the duty to “wrap” the C value for Scheme.
So in our Timespec64 example, we might define our unwrap codegen like this:
(define-method (wrap-value-cg (type <timespec64-type>) (value <gw-value>) error-var) (list (scm-var value) " = msu_timespec64_to_scm(" (var value) ");\n"))
There are a bunch of codegens you can define for a type but if you do
nothing overly fancy, you can get away with just wrap-value-cg
. For C values that need deconstruction, there
is also destruct-value-cg
[1] Though you should probably consider using the time type from SRFI-19 instead.
[2] If the wrapped type is not an aggregate
value (e.g. a pointer type), <gw-rti-type>
can (and should) be
used instead of the more generic <gw-type>
. When
is used, G-Wrap is able to use shared conversion
functions and not emit code for each wrapper function, in most cases,
which can considerably reduce the emitted code size