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4. Examples

You can put this in /etc/inittab
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/fbgetty /dev/tty1                # basic example
2:2345:respawn:/sbin/fbgetty -t /dev/vc/2 -f /dev/fb0 # use of short options
3:23:respawn:/sbin/fbgetty --tty=/dev/tty3 --login-prompt="%l@%h login -> " # use a customized prompt
4:23:respawn:/sbin/fbgetty --issue=/etc/issue.tty4 /dev/tty4 /dev/fb1 # use a special issue

Example of /etc/issue

\e[00m\e[01;34m  --[ Welcome to %s (kernel `uname -r`) ]--  \e[00m

 Date .......................: @date
 Time .......................: %t
 Hostname ...................: %n
 Host Architecture ..........: %m
 Console ....................: %l
 Number of user connected ...: %u
 Terminal type ..............: $TERM

This document was generated by Yann DRONEAUD on April, 20 2001 using texi2html