This manual page documents briefly the cfversd command, version 0.5.4.
cfvers is a version control system designed for the management of configuration files in Unix-like operating systems..
cfversd is the server daemon which allows remote clients to access the repository.
The server creates the temporary files in the directory pointed by the PYRO_STORAGE environment variable. If this variable does not exist or is empty, it will use the current directory. Please define this variable before starting the server.
These options follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). cfversd has two classes of options: global options and command options.
, --help
Show summary of options.
-c, --config
FILEThe configuration file to use which specifies the users allowed, the backend database, etc. See cfversd.conf(5) for the format.
-p, --pidfile
FILEThe file into which to write the pid of the daemon.
-P, --port
PORTThe port on which to listen (overrides the one from the config file).
-f, --foreground
Don't fork into the background.
-l, --logging
FILEThe file which containts the logging configuration. This is a python logging configuration format. Here you can configure output to files, syslog, email, etc. For details, see; an example file is provided in the source distribution.
A very small file which outputs messages to /var/log/cfversd.log is:
# Logging configuration file for cfversd and its Pyro instance. [loggers] keys=root [handlers] keys=myLogfile [formatters] keys=myFormatter [logger_root] level=NOTSET handlers=myLogfile [handler_myLogfile] class=FileHandler args=('/var/log/cfversd.log',) formatter=myFormatter [formatter_myFormatter] format=%(asctime)s %(name)s(%(process)d:%(thread)d): ** %(levelname)s ** %(message)s
This manual page was written by Iustin Pop <[email protected]>
The manual pages cvs(1) and svn(1) were used as sources of inspiration (and copy-paste in some cases), since these are real versioning programs :-), with proper man pages.