This manual page documents the /etc/cfvers/cfversd.conf configuration file for the cfvers system version 0.5.4.
cfvers is a version control system designed for the management of configuration files in Unix-like operating systems..
cfversd.conf is the configuration file for the server cfversd.
The filename structure is that of an .ini file (it's parsed by Python's ConfigParser module):
[section1] key1=value1 key2=value2 [section2]
The available sections are server, repository, auth and the per-user user-NAME, where NAME is the user's name.
The port
key selects the port number to listen on.
The pidfile
key selects the filename into which to write the pid of the server.
The method
key selects the driver for the repository. Currently defined are postgresql and sqlite.
The connect
key selects the driver-specific connection string. For example, for sqlite it is the filename into which to store the database.
The users
key is the only one valid and it contains a comma separated list of valid users. For each user, a separate user-NAME section must exist, with NAME being the user's name in this list.
The user-NAME sections each define a valid user togheter with its rights.
The valid_from
option contains the comma separated list of valid IP addresses. The list must contain only host ip addresses, without netmasks.
The areas
option contains the comma separated list of valid areas for this user, if the user hasn't the admin
flag true.
The admin
boolean option specifies if this user is a regular user or an admin user. Only an admin user can create areas, and the admin users can access all areas.
The client_password
and server_password
key contain the client-to-server and server-to-client password. They can be the same thing or not.
For postgresql, the connect information to the database, is in the following format: dbname=mydb user=myuser password=mypassword. The available keys/value pairs are:
the name of the database to connect to (required);
the username to use when connecting to the database; not required (in which case the connection will use your login name);
the password for the database; not required if you use the trust
authentication method;
the IP address or name of the database server; if not given, the connection will be on localhost through UNIX sockets;
This manual page was written by Iustin Pop <[email protected]>
The manual pages cvs(1) and svn(1) were used as sources of inspiration (and copy-paste in some cases), since these are real versioning programs :-), with proper man pages.