This manual page documents the /etc/cfvers/cfvers.conf and ~/.cfvers configuration files for the cfvers system version 0.5.4.
cfvers is a version control system designed for the management of configuration files in Unix-like operating systems..
cfvers.conf is the configuration file for the command-line clients cfv and cfvadmin.
The filename structure is that of an .ini file (it's parsed by Python's ConfigParser module):
[section1] key1=value1 key2=value2 [section2]
The only available section is server. It hols the configuration data needed for connecting to the server.
The area
key selects the default area to work on after connecting to the repository.
The server_type
key selects between the two kinds of servers in cfvers: local server (in-process) and remote server (through Pyro remote objects). Examples:
[server] server_type=localor:
[server] server_type=remote
In a local server configuration, there are only two items to configure: the repository type and the connect information:
This is the repository type. Currently, the sqlite
and postgresql
options are available.
This is the connect information and depends on the repository type. For sqlite, it is the name of a (writeable) file. For postgresql, it is the connect information to the database, in the following format: dbname=mydb user=myuser password=mypassword.... The available keys/value pairs are:
the name of the database to connect to (required);
the username to use when connecting to the database; not required (in which case the connection will use your login name);
the password for the database; not required if you use the trust
authentication method;
the IP address or name of the database server; if not given, the connection will be on localhost through UNIX sockets;
The remote server configuration is more complex. The possible values are:
the hostname or ip address of the machine on which the cfversd server is running;
the port number on which the server is listening;
the username used to connect;
the password used to authenticate (the client) to the server;
the password used to authenticate the server (to the client);
[server] server_type=local repo_meth=sqlite repo_data=/path/to/file.db area=default
This manual page was written by Iustin Pop <[email protected]>
The manual pages cvs(1) and svn(1) were used as sources of inspiration (and copy-paste in some cases), since these are real versioning programs :-), with proper man pages.