2001/11/06 ]--- 0.0.2r22 released (first public release)
- check if /etc/buildpkg.conf exists, and if yes install new config file as *.new otherways as *.conf
- check if $SBINDIR/buildpkg.jail exists, and if yes install new 'jail' file as *.new otherways as *.jail
- separated get_program_version (I needed it also at packaging)
- implemented DEBIAN packaging ability
- install buildpkg.rules.gz into same dir as buildpkg script
- global configuration dir $CONFDIR (default: /etc/buildpkg)
- separated debian skeleton builder into own function
- ignore find_deps if debian $PACKAGE_TYPE detected debian will use its own
- debian skeletons (control, changelog, rules) moved into $CONFDIR/debian/ directory -> defaults can be changed more dynamicaly...
- man-page updates
- install.sh updates
- moved $0.jail also into $CONFDIR as buildpkg.jail
- check for fakeroot and only execute ./debian/rules if it exists
- modified install.sh to use new place for buildpkg.jail
- moved all configuration (even buildpkg.conf) files into $CONFDIR.
- defines in debian stuff are now named __DEFNAME__, and all default stuff is placed in $CONFDIR/debian/ and can be freely editted.
- to the famous >>edit<< step before packaging debian stuff
- minor man-page updates
- moved debian __DEFINES__ parser into separate function
- enhanced correct_mislinked_files logic
- enhanced copy_into_jail logic
- use $UID, not $USER in install.sh
- new 'STEP7-pre' step alias 'steps to do before packaging'; debian's ./debian/ directory creation moved here
- now debian binary-package creation works ok; checked with debian 2.2r2; doc and devel packages are on TODO list
- some minor man-page changes
- correct a minor regexp problem
- this release is mainly because of CVS import (BTW, it contains also some changes)
- now every debian package (bin, doc, dev) has it's own predef file in ./debian ...
- move ./debian directory creation into package spec step ...
- only use fakeroot if $UID not 0
- do not use separate predef files for debian (it's better to let sed change the few parts)
- debian related functions reorganized
- change docdir automaticaly from /usr/doc to /usr/share/doc if debian format
- copy_into_jail exported as a separate function (useful for shell scripts)
- redhat (.rpm) support
- debian (.deb) related functions reorganised
- find_deps improved
- man-pages improved
- just upped the patchlevel to be in sync with CVS versioning ... (sorry)
2001/11/20 ]--- 0.0.2r23 released
- changed '[' to 'test', because I do not want to depend on a symlink
- fixed some typos
- 'FASTMODE' do not halt after patch, config and build steps even if AUTORUN not set. Useful for binary only installations.
- 'ENABLE_FIND_PROGRESS' this option in combination with the find.patch located in the patches directory gives you a nice rotochar during the FS scan before and after install (AUTO_COLLECT_INSTALLED).
- Patches can now be '.patch', '.patch.bz2' and '.patch.gz'; buildpkg will detect which version you use and use this one.
- binary only mode '--bo' has now an own option
- Changes in order to run on FreeBSD :
- replace 'expr {length,index,substr}' with own functions
- do not return or exit with '-1' -> changed to '1'
- never use 'test bla == bla', use 'test bla = bla' instead
- replace 'source ./filename' by '. ./filename'
- replace '$UID' checks by '"`whoami`"'
- replace logic of get_dirname, FreeBSD's tar does have another date output format.
- enhanced cmdline option parsing
- get_dirname changes
- PROGRAM_VERSION logic changes
- sync after install
2001/12/07 ]--- 0.0.2r24 released
- README file added
- Changed 'test -e' to 'test -f', do not need to be so global. Support for ash (it has builtin test support but only '-f' and '-d' types).
- Stripped '-n' option fron echo where not nessesary.
- The '-n' and '-e' options cannot coexist in ash's builtin echo, so better use the '\c' ESC sequence in this cases.
- autodetect OS type
- rev implemented in awk (Solaris does not have rev)
- Solaris find_deps finished, package creation tested but still WIP
- echo options depends on OS (autodetected)
- find_deps changed to work also on Solaris
- OS detection feature also in install.sh, do not install linux specifix stuff if !Linux OS detected
- new helpers directory will include show utils installed under /usr/lib/buildpkg/helpers
- first helper: geteuid
- small bugfixes to yesterdays changes
- More Solaris work (find_deps, copy_into_jail and mkskel fully working)
- 'cp -v' implementation in shell + awk
- whoami on Solaris located at /usr/ucb/
- removed '-a' option from 'cp' (Solaris does not have it)
- more work on create_solaris_prototype (was create_solaris_package) function
- added solaris part in packaging section
- ./INSTALL added
- '--lower' option in mkskel (convert names to lowercase)
- make_DEPline and make_Solaris_DEPfile functions
- creates valied solaris packages with dependency handling
- STEP5 and STEP6 swaped (now able to use deps file for package creation)
- man page updates
- added expand to requirements list
- install helper utilities into /usr/lib/buildpkg/helpers (geteuid, lstat)
- detection of 'GNU find' and alternative solutions for '-path' and '-printf' options
- reorganised ./helpers subdirectory
- Solaris support works fine
2002/01/13 ]--- 0.0.2r25 released
- fixed bug in 'awk_rev' function
- fixed bug in 'verbose_cmd_cp' function
- added "statically" string to exclude list in 'find_deps' function
- fixed bad version reporting bug in mkskel
- removed globalised config and jail files -> now each supported package type has its own ones
- ask package type at setup/install and install only the needed files
- RedHat specific default .jail file added ( "huleboer" )
- minor fix in find_deps
2002/02/19 ]--- 0.0.2r26-rc1 released
- ignore lines starting with '#' in jail file
- '--remove' option in buildpkg(multicall)
- debian version of default.jail
- add 'chown' and 'chgrp' to default.jail files
2002/02/21 ]--- 0.0.2r26-rc2 released
2002/02/25 ]--- 0.0.2r26 released
- 'distro specific defaults' feature
- mkskel changes
- mkinfodir fixes
- create_filelist, compare_filelists and copy_to_destdir changes
- snapshoot feature changes, generate_filelist changes
- filter_filelists
- 'correct links' feature fixes
- man and info pages compression fixes
- reorganised buildpkg STEPs
- new STEP: collect files (5)
- automatically re-generate info-index
- update man pages
2002/04/25 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc1 released
- clear cookies fix
- better way to clear line in find_deps
- copy_into_jail path-fix
2002/04/26 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc2 released
- change type to 'd' in separate devel.
- split verbose_cmd_cp
- cmd_cp fix
2002/04/27 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc3 released
- correct_mislinked_files fix
- 'download only' mode fix
2002/04/28 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc4 released
- cmd_cp fix
- verbose_cmd_cp fix
- step4 fix
- combine_filelists fix
- copy_to_destdir fix
- jaildir fix
- jaildir alias fix
2002/04/30 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc5 released
2002/05/03 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc6 released
2002/05/22 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc7 released
- copy_to_destdir fix (No.2)
2002/06/08 ]--- 0.0.2r27-rc8 released
2002/06/17 ]--- 0.0.2r27 released
- filelist feature
- support whildchars in filelists
- iteration feature
- enhancements in cmd_cp
- only display '--version' warning if accurate
- fix '(' and ')' chars in copy_to_destdir
- fixes in copy_into_jail
- ability to skip CONFIGURE, BUILD of INSTALL step
- do not process STEP5 if no INSTALL part found
- man file updates
- cmd_cp changes
- correct_mislinked_files changes
- preliminary SIGNAL handling for major functions
- cmd_cp fix
- 'jail mode' fix
- link parsing fix
- fix debian changelogs
- eliminate awk_rev where possible
- parse_ext removed, parse_fname rewritten
- workaround in case when there are multiple matching packages (slackware)
- do not overwrite users EDITOR setting
- (debian) new PKG_SECTION and PKG_PRIORITY variables
- (debian) set 'Architecture: ' to 'dpkg-architecture' for devel
- Improved copy_into_jail: now it only copies files or creates directories if they did not exist before
2002/09/05 ]--- 0.0.2r28-pre1 released
- added missing man pages to install.sh
- do_extract: direct access to parse_fname and EXTRACT_CMD
- optional DOWNLOAD section
- empty SOURCE_FILE string accepted in EXTRACT part, the user may use a custom DOWNLOAD part; but added a few extra checks.
- OPTIMIZE, OPTCFLAGS: preliminary support for compile time optimizations (-march, -mcpu)
- FIX for a nasty 'link eat bug'
- Only remove invalid links if we can fix them, otherwise leave them alone and display a 'FIXME: ...' message
- '--autorun' option for buildpkg
- '--force-step' option for buildpkg
- '--pkgname' option for mkskel
2002/10/02 ]--- 0.0.2r28-pre2 released
- ability to overwrite buildpkg build number
- '--release number' option for mkskel
- CHOWN_TO_ROOT option
- USE_POLICY option
- support for slackware's .slack-desc
- support for package descriptions inside of .def (slackware, deb, rpm and solaris)
- '--skip-chown' option for buildpkg
- tar version check for slackware (slackware is unstable with tar > 1.13)
- make_policy -> utility to create policy file from .tar.gz archive
- do_copy helper function
- new version handler
- ability to force PKG_NAME and PKG_VERSION overwrite
- create build.sh shell script if PACKAGE_TYPE is slackware
- utility to show package dependencies
- added awk, xargs, expr and touch to jail
- utility to check jail filelist
- fixes for rpm and deb packaging support
- package types became rpm and deb (aliases for old ones and others [suse,mandrake,redhat,debian,...])
- new cmp_cp (with full link follow feature)
- cleanup_jail works again
- rotopipe helper
- utility to generate_jail list
- copy_to_destdir fix
- append autodetected depcomp part (POST_BUILD) to $TOPDIR/$DEF_NAME.hint
- more comfortable way to remove files manually (y,n,A,N,e)
2002/12/02 ]--- 0.0.2r28-pre3 released
- Fixes by [email protected] (fix devel-rpm creation, fix ,,in place'' sed-editing)
- fix for 'misplaced package file after creation' problem
- support for freebsd package type added
- bugfix for AUTORUN
- /dev/null major and minor autodetected, but can be overwritten
- example buildpkg.jail files for Slackware current and FreeBSD 4.7
2002/12/16 ]--- 0.0.2r28-pre4 released
- filter_filelists fix (bug introduced in r1.333)
2002/12/22 ]--- 0.0.2r28-pre4a released
- support for external JAIL_ROOT
- fixes for JAIL support (ie. file copy)
- stop AUTORUN mode if .files found
- exit with error if source file not found in do_extract
2003/01/07 ]--- 0.0.2r28-pre5 released
- insert check in front of copy_if_not_found (fix problems if ARCHIVE_SRCDIR not found)
- set ARCHIVE_SRCFILE to "n" if ARCHIVE_SRCDIR not found
2003/01/10 ]--- 0.0.2r28-pre5a released
2003/01/28 ]--- 0.0.2r28-rc1 released
- cleanup_jail fix
- spec_getpath rewritten in awk
- spec_cp fixed
- filelist feature fixed
- show_deps fixed
- do_extract fix
- generate_jail.sh fixed
2003/02/05 ]--- 0.0.2r28-rc2 released
- multiple files (incl. wildchars) support in do_extract
- check md5sum(s) of source file(s) if .md5 found
2003/02/20 ]--- 0.0.2r28-rc3 released
- correct_mislinked_files rewritten
2003/02/26 ]--- 0.0.2r28-rc4 released
- copy_to_destdir fix (symlinked directories)
2003/03/19 ]--- 0.0.2r28-rc5 released
- use tar-1.13 in make_RAW_package if PACKAGE_TYPE is 'slackware'
- display error msg and exit if unable to locate source file(s)
2003/03/26 ]--- 0.0.2r28 released
- copy_to_destdir and STEP5 'chmod' fix
2003/03/27 ]--- 0.0.2r28b released
- typo fix
- copy source files to archive when extracted using do_extract
- fonts.dir fix
2003/04/21 ]--- 0.0.2r28c released
- ARCH fix
- DEF_NAME fixes
- STEP0 fixes
- find_deps fixes
- DISTFILES support
- mkskel creates .md5 file for source
2003/06/14 ]--- 0.0.2r28d released
- create_deb_skeleton fix (chmod 755 on debian directory)
- fix typo in fonts-dir handling
- do_gzcopy and do_bz2copy functions commands
- remove also $DESTDIR-doc in STEP9
2003/07/13 ]--- 0.0.2r28e released
- soapbox support
- do_gzcopy and do_bz2copy basename fix
2004/02/14 ]--- 0.0.2r28f released