An educational desktop inspired by JClic.
The software could be used on OLPCs or similar
computers for pupils and on standard PCs.
In contrast to JClic the desktop can be extended with Java plugins derived
from the class ContentPlayer, which can extend the desktop by arbitrary
functionality to play educational content and to verify learning success.
The application will allow teachers, tutors and mentors to invite pupils to new learning trails and to restrict pupils to exercises and trails deemed adequate.
The application will allow to restrict use of educational games and other games running in the context of the desktop by application and by usage time.
The application will allow to monitor learning success of pupils in all exercises that file results in the user profile.
The application will contain a "personal Wiki" for every pupil. Pupils
will be able to describe concepts they have learned in their own words. The
Wiki will contain an in-place drawing program for explanatory drawings and
art. Pupils will also be able to contribute to collaborative wikis in their
user groups.
Under X Windows the desktop will be able to run without a window manager,
removing all non-compliant programs and functions from a user account configured to use the desktop.
The application will also be prepared to receive content through the DVB-DATA channel of satellite TV channels using Digital Video Broadcasting. This may be interesting to reach some regions in underdeveloped countries where internet coverage is insufficient.
The software will be licensed under the LGPL and thus allow the creation of commercial software modules. Learning modules with or without their own software modules can be under any license but the recommended license (and the default when no other licensing conditions are shown to the user) is the GFDL.