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xps - Displays Unix processes as a tree under X

'xps' dynamically displays in an X Window the Unix processes as a tree, the roots on the left and the leaf processes on the right. Within each level, processes are grouped so that those with the same parent process id are grouped together (older processes nearer the top). The overall tree display uses diagonal lines; xps tries to effectively use the full 2-dimensional area of the screen by balancing levels and centering the children of a node between their parent.

The status of each process or user can be indicated by a color. Process selection can be made per user, for all users, or through a regular expression pattern. A process can be selected to show ps information or to send the process a signal. users can click on a process to get more information (via ps) about it, send it a a signal, or set its priority.


Web page
Source tarball
Source information
Version 4.2 (stable) released on 2003-04-24
Licensed under The GNU General Public License, Version 2.
This is not a GNU package.

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Related information

InterfacesX Window System
Source languagesC
Use requirementslesstif (or Motif)

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <[email protected]> on 2003-03-21
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <[email protected]>


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