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mp3wrap - Wraps two or more mp3 files into one large playable mp3

'mp3wrap' wraps two or more mp3 files in one single large playable mp3, without losing filenames and ID3 informations (and without need of decoding/encoding). Also, other non mp3 files (PlayLists, info files, non mp3 files, cover images) may be included inside the mp3. This means you get a large mp3 that you can split in any moment just using mp3splt and in few seconds you have all original files again!

It's useful because files created with Mp3Wrap are easy to download. Infact who downloads has not to know each single song name and easy to play and even if you don't have mp3splt to split file, you can listen to it anyway. Mp3Wrap files do not need ID3 to work. It is faster because you have not to select each file one at a time. It can also include path info and other non mp3 files such as playlists.


Web page
Source tarball
Source information
Version 0.5 (beta) released on 2003-01-15
Licensed under LGPLv2orlater.
This is not a GNU package.


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Related information

Source repository:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/mp3wrap
Interfacescommand line
Source languagesC
Related programsmp3splt

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <[email protected]> on 2003-09-18
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <[email protected]>


The copyright licensing notice below applies to this text. The software described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution itself.

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