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MAM/VRS - 3D visualization and graphics library

The Modelling and Animation Machine and Virtual Rendering System form the basic components of a 3D visualization and graphics library for implementing visualization software. The Virtual Rendering System is a thin object-oriented layer for different rendering systems such as OpenGL or RenderMan. It provides an abstract interface to 3-D rendering and encapsulates many rendering techniques and algorithms. The user can switch between different rendering systems at runtime.

The Modeling and Animation Machine provides higher-level modeling of 3-D scenes, their behavior, and the 3-D user interaction based on scene graphs and behavior graphs. A large collection of building blocks supports fast development of all types of 3-D applications.

The open architecture ensures that your applications can grow with MAM/VRS, and MAM/VRS can grow with an increasing number of freely available components.It's easy to create new shape types, and existing 3D graphics code can be wrapped and fully integrated.MAM/VRS can be integrated in any windowing system and user interface toolkit. There's a collection of application frames for Tcl/Tk, MFC, Qt, Gtk and X11.

This project was formerly known as 'mamvrs.'


Web page
Source tarball
Version 3.1 (stable) released on 2003-04-03
Licensed under GPL.
This is not a GNU package.


User guide available in HTML format from
Support contacts

Help List<[email protected]>
Developer List<[email protected]>
Bug List<[email protected]>

Project contacts

  • Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, Minister for Schools, Higher Educatio

Related information

Source repository:pserver:[email protected]:/cvs
Source languagesC++
Weak prerequisitesTcl/Tk 8.2, Blue Moon Rendering Tools, POV-Ray, Incr Tcl/Tk

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <[email protected]> on 2001-07-12
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <[email protected]>


The copyright licensing notice below applies to this text. The software described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution itself.

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