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freenet - Filesharing program

Freenet allows efficient distribution of information over the Internet without fear of censorship. Freenet is completely decentralized: there is no entity in control of, or essential to, Freenet so there's no central point that would collapse the entire system if attacked.

It is hard to remove single pieces of information from Freenet, since it's difficult to determine which computer is storing any given piece of information. Trying to determine where information is stored results in that information spreading to other nodes within Freenet (usually the opposite of what you want to happen). Both authors and readers of information on Freenet can remain anonymous if they wish.

Freenet also employs intelligent routing and caching, meaning that it learns to route requests more efficiently, automatically mirrors popular data, makes network flooding almost impossible, and moves data to where it is in greatest demand.


Web page
Source tarball
Version (stable) released on 2003-07-21
Licensed under The GNU General Public License, Version 2.
This is not a GNU package.

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Related information

Source repository:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/freenet login co -r experimental Freenet
Source languagesJava
Use requirementsJava Runtime Environment that supports Sun's JRE 1.1 or later

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <[email protected]> on 2001-01-31
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <[email protected]>


The copyright licensing notice below applies to this text. The software described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution itself.

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