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emacspeak - Adds speech output to Emacs

Emacspeak is a suite of task-oriented tools that, through Emacs, provides speech-enabled access to the Web. With support for the freely downloadable IBM ViaVoice Outloud speech synthesis engine, Emacspeak makes GNU/Linux systems the first zero-cost (commercially available screenreaders typically double the cost of a personal computer) Internet access solution for blind and visually impaired users.

Emacspeak speaks the underlying information of a visual display, not its contents. For example, if you use a calendar application with a screenreader you hear a sequence of meaningless numbers, but Emacspeak speaks the relevant date in an easily understood manner.

The system uses audio formatting to increase the band-width of aural communication; changes in voice characteristic and inflection combine with non-speech auditory icons to create the equivalent of spatial layout, fonts, and graphical icons. This provides contextual feedback and shifts some of the burden of listening from the cognitive to the perceptual domain. The program comes with a default set of auditory icons; they can be replaced with any of the themes available (typically higher quality recordings).


Web page
Source tarball
Version 18.0 (stable) released on 2003-04-29
Licensed under The GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later.
This is not a GNU package.

User manual available in HTML format from
Support contacts

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Help List<[email protected]> <[email protected]> subject: 'subscribe'
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Project contacts


Related information

Source repository :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/emacspeak
Interfacescommand line
Source languagesLisp, C, Tcl
Related programsEmacspeak-ss

Entry information

License verified byJanet Casey <[email protected]> on 2000-11-22
Entry compiled byJanet Casey <[email protected]>


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